I completely disagree with this review! Even when this review was posted a few months back, the documentation was great and explained everything that you needed — I can’t believe that some people can complain so much when they are GIVEN something for free.
How many hours do you think the author has spent developing this? And this is how you repay him for allowing you to piggy back on his work?
If you’re having this much trouble following the documentation, I hesitate to put you in the category of ‘the average developer’.
Yes, it’s relatively complex but it’s also straight forward and simple to use as long as you know what you’re doing. Instead of complaining that you’re having a hard time understanding it, you should be thanking this plugin author for not only giving you an excellent starting point for development, but also a wonderful example of solid coding practices — use this as a learning experience. If this is tough for you to understand, then take it upon yourself to learn a bit more about OOP instead of complaining.
If using this is beyond your skill level, it’s not the author’s fault — it’s yours my friend.