• Hello,
    I would like to report that BackWPUp is crashing on the latest WordPress official docker image if you upgrade WordPress to latest docker image AND you have a BackWPUp job that has a FTP destination.

    The root cause is that the docker image of WordPress does not have anymore the FTP php extension starting php 8.2, which is needed indeed.

    The crash: You edit the task having a FTP destination, you click on the FTP tab, you get:

    PHP Fatal error:Uncaught Error: Call to a member function edit_auth() on null in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-page-editjob.php:20

    You can see in the General tab that the FTP destination is checked AND grayed out, with the following message “Missing function ftp_nb_fput”, meaning that BackWPUp can do some checks and determine that the FTP extension is missing.

    As a workaround, you can add to the documentation that BackWPUp is compatible with WordPress image wordpress:6.6-php8.1 , but not with wordpress:6.6-php8.2

    I would also suggest that you catch PHP Fatal error I mentioned above when the FTP extension is missing in php and the user clicks on the FTP tab.

    It would be also nice that the backup succeeds (with warnings), storing the backup in the other available destinations (Folder, S3, …), and skip the FTP destination when not available because of the above issue.

    I hope my report will help some users ??

    Thank you

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