@aisajib Are you associated with that plugin? If you are please contact the author and have your account made a plugin contributor. That would make your participation above board and more clear.
PrintFriendly has a dedicated team that works continuously for improving the product as well as provide email support to all users
That’s a good reply!
Without any source of income that wouldn’t be possible to keep up development and support.
And that part is not so good. In my opinion. I prefer all advertising to be opt in and not “Pay to eliminate them”. ??
But more importantly this plugin is not violating any rules here.
@cwendt01 This plugin is “Software as a Service” meaning that the PDF is not generated by the plugin but the URL is passed to their servers and the PDF file is generated there.
With software as a service it is acceptable to insert branding, advertisements, etc. because that’s part of the service that this PDF Friendly provides.