• I have posted the full article (300 words) with images and save it in draft, watching preview but the post show only 10 words even I published it but getting the same result. I don’t know what’s going on, I was already re upload WordPress new version, disable all plugins but still same problem.

    please help me to fix this issue..

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  • Can you post a link to where this is ?

    Thread Starter designweb


    here is my backend post area view Link and here is the post preview Link2
    if i save the post in draft or published they save only 10 words don’t know why..

    Was that content copied from Word? What’s the format of the text where it gets cut off?

    Thread Starter designweb


    i just copy the content from various websites and past it,

    Um – you do know that breaches numerous copyright laws, don’t you?

    That may be the problem – if that text has other formatting – again,

    What’s the format of the text where it gets cut off?

    Looks like the “EANA” is a link or something?

    Also, does this happen when you just enter text “normally”?

    EDIT – and the copyright issue as esmi mentioned…

    Thread Starter designweb


    yes i Know the copyright laws, i was just copy to check the content area is working fine or not.

    Try just typing some text into the content area if you want to test it properly.

    Thread Starter designweb


    Yes “EANA” is the wrap from a href code.

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