• I am trying to keep the left sidebar, but remove the right margin/column so my posts can be wider. I am not using the right column for everything and right now it is making my photos too narrow, as you can see here:


    How can I widen the posts and keep the left sidebar?

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  • To start with, I would create a child-theme.


    Then start playing with the styling. The #content id is currently set to 62.667%, if you change that to 100%, your content area extends all the way to the right, but other elements shift, so you’ll have to also look at re-styling class “entry-header” “byline” , etc.

    Thread Starter @katklopp


    Thanks @roamingpro

    Here’s a dumb follow-up question. When creating my child theme, do I retain the author, author url, and theme url from the original oxygen theme?

    Like this:

    Theme URI: https://alienwp.com/oxygen-child/
    Author: AlienWP
    Author URI: https://alienwp.com

    Thread Starter @katklopp


    Nevermind I figured that out. Now I just need to figure out where and how to change the #content id to 100%. Sorry, new at this!

    It’s a little technical, and you need to know some about css. Review this page & some great links at the end of the article:

    You can check out these tutorials:
    A beginners guide to customizing a WordPress site

    But basically you create a style.css for your child theme, import the original css file (convered in the Child_Themes codex).

    Then any element you want to modify, you list in your new child style.css file, and modify that style:

    Regarding your content width: The original style for the #content id looks like this

    #content {
      float: left;
      width: 62.66666666666667%;
      margin: 0 0 30px 0;

    to change the width to 100%, you would place this in your child theme:

    #content {
      width: 100%;

    Again, this is just a start, lots of trial and error before things fall into place and you get comfortable with custom css styles. Good Luck!!

    Thread Starter @katklopp


    When I just change the #content width to 100%, it makes the post header bar and text full width, but not the photos, which are my main concern. I’m assuming I need to locate that line in the code and change it to 100% too? Or should I adjust the pixel dimensions. I opened style.css from my parent theme in dw and the #content is currently like this:

    #content {
    	float: left;
    	width: 62.66666666666667%;	/* 470 / 750 = 0.6266666666666667 */
    	margin: 0 0 30px 0;

    am I on the right track? Think I’m looking at the wrong lines of code to change the photo width?

    Thread Starter @katklopp


    Actually I figured out it’s just the post header photos that are not full width. Everything else is good. Excuse me while I go find a needle in a haystack.

    Thread Starter @katklopp


    Found it!

    Alright, so for anyone with Oxygen theme trying to make their posts full width and retain the left sidebar. Just stick this in your CSS and you’re good.

    #content {
    	float: left;
    	width: 100%;
    	margin: 0 0 30px;
    .entry-header {
        float: left;
    	width: 100%;
    .hentry .featured {
        margin-bottom: 15px;
        width: 100%



    That’s great! Can you figure a way to do that only on a certain page? Say, a page with a custom template that you can specify in the functions.php file?

    Many thanks, Gabriel



    @gabrielsolomon7: As per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic.



    Thank you for sharing that piece of code!!!

    I notice that the header above the picture doesn’t go all the way to the end (it’s 738px and the pic is 750px, I think).

    Any fix for that?

    Thanks a lot for that piece of code @katklopp.

    I am not used to tweak CSS stylesheets. Could you detail where I need to put that code in order to have full width posts? I now got something like this in style.css:

    .page-template-fullwidth .content-wrap { width: 100%; }
    #content {
            float: left;
           width: 100%;
          margin: 0 0 30px;

    with the rest of you code under .entry-header.

    And I am sure that’s not the right way to go ??

    Hello! I have actually another question:
    i want to get rid of the whole left menu so i have more space for content
    as i also want a slideshow on my home page.
    But How do I get rid of the menu left, or.. Make left menu really small. just like

    I know a bit of css.
    I hope someone can help me out ??

    i.e. this page u can see that its cramped and doesnt allow me to make it bigger.

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