Hello @neophytexx! If you don’t mind you could help me with a thing. It happens that a WordPress algorithm deleted all of my plugin reviews (4) including yours due to fake suspicion. I’ve reached out to the WordPress team to clear this up, but eventually the reviews will not be restored. They say my mistake was that I added you (and the other three users) as contributers as well. This is not allowed though my intention was just to thank you and to show that everybody can be a part of the development process. IMO that’s sad and not a great move from the WordPress devs.
Anyhow, if you find the time I would really appreciate if you could rate my plugin again? The WordPress devs assured me that the reviews will stay online this time.
However I hope you are still happy with the plugin and please don’t hesitate to ask for further feature requests.
PS: I’ve noticed your feature request on my website. And it will probably be a feature for a future version.
Have a good day,