• it seems that a lot of people is having the same problem, the thumbnails in the GRAPHPAPERPRESS theme named FULLSCREEN are NOT working, and i am affected too.

    I have followed the theme’s instructions entirely, and still the thumbnails are not working, please someone help me!


    That’s my site if someone wants to check it out and see the problem, or check my site ??

    But seriously HELP ME!

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  • Hello,

    I am experiencing the same problem as many of you (TSUPERB and FAHMYZONE), in that I am not able to get my thumbnails to show up on my Graphpaper Press Fulscreen theme.

    I uploaded the theme, activated it, and followed the instructions manual contained within the site files.

    Things I have attempted to do in order to solve the problem:
    -changed permissions to 777 in my cache folder inside of wp-content/themes/fullscreen.
    -Changed permissions in the entire fulscreen folder to 777
    -Attempted using a thumbnail regenerating plugin

    Nothing has worked thus far! I have been trying for several days, but I can’t seem to get it to work. I can poke around in the CSS if I am directed where to go, but right now I know very little about it.

    Can anyone who is savvy (ESMI, TSUPERB) help me out?

    Ultimately I would like to create a portfolio site like these:
    https://www.mbradyclark.com/ (Permanent links for the thumbnails)

    Here is a link to my site: https://britthultgren.org/

    Thank you so much for the help!


    Hi Britt,
    At least you managed to get the top thumbnails to work;)
    I still can’t do it. Did you do something for it to happen?

    Britt – I sent you an email just now. Hopefully you can give me some advice because my site is not working at all. ??


    for the cache permission problem just create a cache directory in your theme folder then chmod to 777.

    Then for problems with “header already sent” edit timthumb.php and just remove the ?> at the end.

    I noticed that the theme didnt include timthumb.php. so goto https://www.darrenhoyt.com/2008/04/02/timthumb-php-script-released/ and download the timthumb.php and put it in the root of the theme.

    All done!

    Ok, i’ve got this. Everything is very, very simple. For every post you have to chose one picture to display. How to do that? Just go and edit your post, then, under “Publish” find “Set featured image”. Your all images will appear. Then you have to chose one, go under “Media Library”, pick one image and click “Show” then on the right side of “Insert image”, there will be “Use as featured image” just pick that then update your post and picture will appear ??

    Regarding FULLSCREEN theme by GraphPaperPress

    for all of the people here who still have problem about getting the bottom thumb picture to show, here is the solution I used and worked.

    go to home.php
    at line 21 (or somewhere close)
    you will see this before you do any change:
    please change it to something like this:

    cat=1 is the id 1 category that I want it to poll the images from.
    64 is how many bottom thumb nails I want to see (do the math that work with your thumb nail size and the page size, which is all under the instruction html in the package).

    Upload the file again, make sure you have thumb nails to show under the assigned category. done!!

    It should definitely worked, it works for mine.

    I’m having this same problem. Nothing I’ve done has fixed it or allowed the theme to take images from my media library to use as thumbnails on the main page. (The theme and graph paper press’ site says it should.)

    What gives?

    zellerpress.com is my site.

    hi Zellerpress,

    How did you solve the problem?

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