I would like to display?
There are currently 1 user online: 0 Members, 0 Guests and 0 Bots.
Not found for Guests and Bots
Need a helping hand I’m not a developer, I’m a beginner I’m learning
add_action('asgarosforum_statistics_custom_element', 'my_function_footer', 10, 1);
function my_function_footer() {
<?php if (function_exists('get_most_users_online')): ?>
<div id="statistics">
<div id="statistics-header">
<strong class="dashicons-before dashicons-chart-line">Qui est en ligne</strong>
<div id="statistics-body">
<div class="statistics-element">
<div class="element-number dashicons-before dashicons-groups">
Il y a <?php echo get_users_online_count(); ?>
<div class="element-name">
Utilisateur en ligne actuellement
<div class="statistics-element">
<div class="element-number dashicons-before dashicons-groups">
<?php echo get_users_online_count(); ?>
<div class="element-name">
Membres en ligne
<div class="statistics-element">
<div class="element-number dashicons-before dashicons-groups">
<?php echo get_users_online_count(); ?>
<div class="element-name">
Invités en ligne
<div class="statistics-element">
<div class="element-number dashicons-before dashicons-groups">
<?php echo get_users_online_count(); ?>
<div class="element-name">
Bots en ligne
<?php endif;
add_action('asgarosforum_after_post_author', 'my_function', 10, 1);
Thank you