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  • i too would like an example of how to use wpmd_is_ to block a plugin

    You have to wrap what you want to hide in a functions snippet. I am not too handy with php but this is what is working for me:

    <?php if (function_exists('wpmd_is_phone') && wpmd_is_phone()) :?>
    This will show if there is a phone
     <?php else : ?>
    This will show if it is anything but a phone
     <?php endif; ?>

    Hope that helps!

    It did, thanks.

    I have been looking at this plugin for awhile and I just don’t know enough to know how to use it. The example above doesn’t help. I wish it did.
    I would like to hide the flash banner in my header.php file on all mobile devices. I am not sure how to use the functions and/or short codes to do that.

    Can anyone give me any information that will help? I will post code as needed. I just didn’t want to do it needlessly.

    Thanks for any information.

    That is it, Chris.

    I had a problem with a bar named wp-SuperSized with small MOBILES screens;
    (resumo em brasileiro / português, ao final).

    Problem: The bar DON’T stay on bottom, anytime, as expected.

    I will exclude mobiles, for now!

    At wp-supersized/index.php — before the block begining with “include_once(….”, do:

    if ( !wpmd_is_device() )
    ******* ORIGINAL BLOCK ******
    ******* OF CODES **************

    So, the NOT “!” include desktop only; Exclude all ‘devices’ (as example).

    That is all.
    Artur Sá Menezes

    Português, brasileiro:
    Implementa??o de IF no arquivo wp-supersized/index.php, funciona perfeitamente, EXCLUINDO os mobiles da exibi??o deste wp-SuperSized, mas somente depois de instalado o plug-in, vide /faq/ também — depois, vou ver se incluo os iPads e tablets maiores…

    Fácil de testar, se você tiver o Forefox e mudar o “Browser Agent” para um iPhone, por exemplo. A barra desaparece.

    Só isso

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