functions.php crash in my child theme
I created a child theme to modify the parent I was using. Im using the Modest theme from elegant themes. I successfully created a child theme with the style.css file but when I try to add a functions.php file the website crashes. I cannot get to the home page or login page. I get a return server error. When I remove the functions file the website returns to normal. How to you implement a functions.php file into a child theme?
I used the opening php tag <?php and closed with ?>. I put my functions modification between, the syntax seemed ok. The editor Im using checks syntax when you write the code. I can place the functions modification into the themes functions.php file but if I update the theme the functions mod will be removed. I tried the…
include ‘/wp-includes/functions.php’; command but that did not change anything.
I also have to create a different footer.php file. Im afraid of running into the same problem.
Thanks in advance.
this is what my functions.php file looks like
include ‘/wp-includes/functions.php’;function exclude_category($query) {
if (&query->is_home() ) {
$query->set(‘cat’, ‘-10 -6 -2 -1’);
return $query;
add_filter(‘pre-get_posts’, ‘exclude_category’);
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