• lotech


    Future Post seems to be broken in the new super fantastic WordPress 2.1. The site I’m using it gives an events calendar with future posts/events being shown

    I had previously also made manual changes to the classes.php to enable listing of ALL posts not just ones with a dates from today backwards….

    I’ve spent my afternoon searching through the source code and can’t find the bit where the date settings are made.

    Previously you could change/remove a line such as –
    $where .= ” AND post_date_gmt <= ‘$now'”;

    Can some one point me in the right direction?

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  • Found this which may be useful for others: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/119791?replies=5

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    WordPress does not HAVE a future posting problem. Future posting works just fine, IF your server is configured correctly.

    Future posting, as of WordPress 2.1, uses the wp-cron process to activate those posts. However, if your server does not have correct DNS resolution setup, then it cannot access itself to activate wp-cron.

    This is a problem you need to take up with your host. Why? Because wp-cron does other things too, like pingbacks and trackbacks and such. Those are all not working if you can’t make wp-cron work properly. Furthermore, if it’s not working, then it’s slowing down your site and wasting bandwidth by trying (and failing) to work.

    Don’t hack around the problem with these crappy core hacks, fix the problem by talking to your host. Tell them that your website needs to be able to access itself as a web request. Tell them to come here if they need more information, and we’ll be happy to tell them why their hosting services are broken.

    More information can be found here: https://trac.www.ads-software.com/ticket/3565

    Otto: thanks for the precisions. Where should I start to solve my problem with my wp-cron? I mean, what to tell to my host?

    I have noticed in my log files several lines looking like that :
    fake.ha.ovh.net https://www.vincentprat.info – [03/Aug/2007:00:00:43 +0200] “GET /wordpress/wp-cron.php?check=XXXXXX HTTP/1.0” 403 296 “-” “-”

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    GET /wordpress/wp-cron.php?check=XXXXXX HTTP/1.0" 403

    A 403 error means that the document is “forbidden”. This could be for several reasons. I’d check the permissions on the wp-cron.php file, make sure it’s set to 444 so that it can be seen by the webserver.

    Alternately, ask your host why https://www.vincentprat.info/wordpress/wp-cron.php returns a 403 error in those cases.

    Otto: I had checked the permissions, it is set to 644 so no problem on that side. I am trying to solve the problem with my host, he proposed me to setup a Cron task but I’d like to solve it the right way if possible. Thanks for your help.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Setting up an actual cron task won’t fix the problem. You cannot replace wp-cron with normal cron. Doesn’t work that way.


    The problem is that some people (like myself) dont want them to sit as drafts until the future date, we want them to be regular posts that we can manipulate into upencoming even calendars, using categories etc… Since this isn’t possible with WP at the moment I am still using MovableType for my reelidentities.org.

    Yes, posts are automatically posted on such-and-such date if ‘future posted,’ but they cannot be displayed in a calendar format that shows future posts and then have the visitor read that post.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    They’re not “drafts”, they’re identical to normal posts, but with a “future” status.

    But you are correct that they can’t be read. They haven’t been published yet. If you want them to be published, then publish them now and not in the future.

    Otto42, you’re missing the point. If you want to make a schedule of future events, listed as a calendar using future posts – you can’t do it because they’re not published. All we’re asking is how to publish future dated posts.

    I help run a 3 day film festival every year and we use Movable Type as the back end. I put the films in, in the correct category tree (Films/<category>) then if I pull up, using PHP/SQL a listing of all entries in the “Films” category between the 3 dates of the festival, I can format and manipulate them around to do all sorts of things using custom fields. It’s just not possible using posts that a dated now – at least it’s a lot harder.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    All we’re asking is how to publish future dated posts.

    I do see what you’re saying, but that doesn’t make any sense from the WordPress standpoint. Future posts can’t be published because they haven’t happened yet. The timestamp is the date that the post is published. That’s sorta the whole point of the timestamp.

    Now, if you’re writing your own SQL and such, you certainly can pull up future posts, just don’t rely on the post_status field. And I think the get_posts() function is capable of pulling any set of posts you want, future or not. So you could use that to get and potentially display them.


    I know that, but without the option of having future dated post show as published, it becomes a total PHP/SQL mess and at that point, why even use wordpress for this purpose? I may as well just create a SQL database and put info in it and not even use WP. I use wordpress because it’s easy to manipulate data for formatting, etc.. except for when it comes to making future events calendars using posts – you can’t do it without getting messy. (I suck at raw SQL… I was using MovableType plugins to do that sort of thing.)

    If you make a future dated post and you check off ‘publish’ it should be *published*. Yes, you may not want it to be, but then I (and others) do. Perhaps a future version could have an option for this? (Since, apparently at one point it didn’t work this way?)

    I’ve tried all of the event calendar plugins and they all basically work like hack/work arounds… all i want is a published post! ??

    Maybe add another status Draft/Publish

    Would the ‘fix’ mentioned above remedy (my) situation? I haven’t tried it yet.

    this one:

    open -> /wp-includes/post.php
    goTo -> #562
    edit -> $post_status = 'future';
    to -> $post_status = 'publish';

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    I may as well just create a SQL database and put info in it and not even use WP.

    Actually, I was thinking the same thing. WordPress isn’t made to hold “events”. It’s made to hold posts and pages and categories and several other types of content, but an events calendar is outside the scope of WordPress.

    I’d say to either use a plugin or some other solution entirely. WordPress is simply not suitable for your needs.

    I think you’re missing our point. *sigh*

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    No, I get your point, but you’re not getting mine.

    My point is this: The right tool for the right task.

    You’re attempting to use Posts as a sort of events calendar. You want to make Posts on a future date and have them display everywhere. The problem is that you’re overextending the metaphor of what a Post actually is.

    Sure, you can hack it up to do all sorts of things, but it doesn’t make any sense to do that. It makes more sense to find the right way to do it and then do it that way.

    Posts are supposed to be mini-essays or some other form of continuing time-based content. The future post function is designed to let you post in the future and then have those posts show up when you tell them to do so. That’s the whole point of being able to set the date of a Post.

    That metaphor doesn’t extend well to setting date/times of future events. A Post is not an Event. What you need is some way to a) make event schedules and b) display those. WordPress does not have that functionality. It would have to be extended to support that functionality.

    The fact that you used Posts to do it in the past doesn’t mean that it was the correct way to do it then. It wasn’t correct then, it’s not correct now. This is why the changes broke your method of usage: it was never intended to do that. That was never the purpose of it. If you’d been doing it some other, more correct, way in the first place, then these changes would not have affected you.

    The right tool for the right task. Making Posts for future events is using the wrong tool for the task.

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