• Resolved Patrick_D1985


    Hi there!

    First of wonderful plugin. As stated by many others a real jewel.

    While I was playing around a bit with it today I noticed it changes a specific function I created for my normal wordpress search to display future posts out of a specific category as well in search results. (we have future events which fall under the post_status future items.

    So I made something like this;

     * Display scheduled / future posts of Agenda in Search
    if (!is_admin()) :
        function __include_future($query)
            global $post;
            if ($query->is_search()) {
                if (is_category(26)) { // the main agenda category id
                } else {
                    $GLOBALS['wp_post_statuses']['future']->public = true;
        add_filter('pre_get_posts', '__include_future');

    This works just fine with normal WordPress Search but it seems SearchIQ breaks this and reverts it back to only post_status publish.

    Is there a hook or something I can do to get that behavior back as it ?

    Hope you can help me out with this one.

    Kind regards,


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  • Plugin Contributor Igor Belykh


    Hi Patrick,

    Our plugin indexing only published posts. I think we will add the support for the future posts soon. For now, if you don’t want to use our search algorithm on the search page then you can try to remove our action for pre_get_posts by adding the following code

        remove_action( "pre_get_posts", array( "siq_plugin", "siq_get_posts" ) );


    Thread Starter Patrick_D1985


    Hi Igor,

    Thanks for the feedback!

    Future posts are often used for event based sites for instance.
    We should have gone custom post_type there perhaps but well … we did not so we rely on the future post_status for handling those and then filtering a bit on categories.

    Cool that you are at least considering indexing future posts for SearchIQ, which is a good step as you then more or less pre-index them (and the normal route would be future -> publish anyway)

    I will give your suggestion a try later on.

    Besides that keep up the great job you are doing with SearchIQ; I have worked with Relevanssi, SearchWP and Swiftype in the past (of which swiftype was best but well you know their pricing plan has gone out of control) and I must say I like where SearchIQ is already at.

    Kind regards,

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