• Hi!

    I use feeds from another time zone. That mean +1(2,3 etc) hour to wordpress and server current time.

    e.g.: at 13.00 my website/server time, in some feed last post was published at 14.00 (formally 1 hour in future).

    The problem is this feed post NOT publish to wordpress until 14.00 coming in my timezone.

    How to change plugin to use my time to publish post, not time from source feed?


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  • Thread Starter momoti44


    Also i found a lot of post from those feeds. Its in “Sheduled” with “Missed schedule” status

    That mean that ALL post from feed with different timezone not published but sheduled. And some of it – with “Missed schedule” status.


    If you want to synchronize the time of your plugin and server with the time on your source, you will need to change server locally.Since there is no way for us to do it on the Source’s end.

    I assume that Missed Schedule will really happen due to time difference.
    So synchronizing the time would help in this case.

    If you need more help please email me at [email protected]


    Thread Starter momoti44


    Thanks for answer!

    But synchronize basically not able to solve this problem – I have several sourses from 2 different time zone!

    Is it possible to ignore feed time and set time of import or server time?


    Well if you have more than 1 feed then yes it will not help.

    How does your importing set up? Do you have a custom frequency or plugin
    predefined frequency?

    I guess , you should be setting your schedule to the most frequent one E.g every 10 mins in that way we will not be able to miss scheduled import.

    I will have this one check if that is possible but for the meantime try to set it to import every 10 mins and lets see if it still miss import schedules.

    If you have an update kindly email me at [email protected]


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