• When Fuzzy Search is set to “When straight search gets no hits” everything works perfectly. No page jump on refresh and search bar CSS is at it’s normal state.

    Fuzzy Search set to “Always” the CSS of the search bar gets altered some how. The original height of my search bar is about 22px with 5px padding. But when I refresh or type a new search term the search bar loses it’s padding, and shrinks to only 22px height. Also the beings at least 150px below the top of the browser and jumps back up to it’s normal position when refreshing the page.

    I will provide what ever CSS or HTML is needed. Unfortunately due to WordPress Support Forum Rules I an’t remove my URL if posted so I do not wish to place it within this post.


    [ Moderator note: Please stop making duplicate posts for the same question. Those other 2 were deleted. ]

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  • Thread Starter keysuuh


    Update// When I type in a single letter “a” the CSS doesn’t change but when I search the single letter “t” that is when the issue occurs ?? Please Help…

    Plugin Author Mikko Saari


    I’m sorry, but I have no idea what might be causing this, especially if you won’t show me the page.

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