• Michael, Ben, Jamie, other dev folks.

    I noticed the following plugin file includes a deprecated WordPress function: image_resize().
    See: https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/functions/image_resize/.

    File: taxonomy-images.php
    Line: 172

    This might be what you want as the replacement code:

    <br />
    $image_editor = wp_get_image_editor( $path );</p>
    <p>if ( ! is_wp_error( $image_editor ) ) {</p>
    <p>    // Create a new downsized version of the original image.<br />
        $image_editor->resize(<br />
            $detail['size'][0], // width<br />
            $detail['size'][1], // height<br />
            $detail['size'][2]  // crop (e.g. true)<br />
        );<br />
        // Modify the filename to include the image size suffix and save.<br />
        $new_path = $image_editor->generate_filename( null, $path );<br />
        $image_editor->save( $new_path );</p>
    <p>    // Generate and cache image metadata. Return url.<br />
        $meta = wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $id, $path );<br />
        wp_update_attachment_metadata( $id, $meta );<br />
        $image_intermediate_attrs = image_get_intermediate_size(<br />
            $id,<br />
            $detail['name']<br />
    <p>    if ( isset( $image_intermediate_attrs['url'] ) ) {<br />
            return $image_intermediate_attrs['url'];<br />
        }<br />
    }<br />

    If I got this right, I hope this is helpful.


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