• Under /wp-admin/update-links.php, you need to change the permissions for that file to 755. I believe only then will the “Track Linksa€? Update Times” feature work. My blogroll list in my sidebar wasn’t working until I manually loaded that page, then changed the file permissions.

    A dev or mod can correct me if I’m wrong of course.

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  • whollyhis


    I contacted ping-o-matic a few days ago asking about any plans to get ping-o-matic retrieving information from other major webping services and have not yet heard back. But, I’m sure Matt et al are keeping very busy supporting WP 1.5. Hopefully they’ll get back to us soon.

    Moderator Matt Mullenweg


    Weblogs.com is not an option, the file was getting to be almost an entire megabyte and processing it was causing major load on servers, as well as the weblogs.com service which is not terribly robust.

    Checking ping-o-matic every 15 minutes WILL NOT help, in fact it will get you banned. The new API doesn’t have the “catch-up” problem, if you check once a hour or once a week you still get the latest update times.

    The new system does not need to write to the filesystem or have any files CHMODed. It also uses maybe 1-2k of bandwidth rather than megabytes. It hardly requires any processing on the client side.

    Bumping this thread isn’t helping the problem and is obnoxious, any more “bump” replies will be deleted on sight and if repeated the user will be permanently deleted from the forums.



    Matt, thank you for that info (my cron job was at 30 minutes, but I am NOT the one who set it up so don’t ban me! It’s changed to every hour as of now), but the question I think most people really care about is — will Ping-o-matic start giving us update times for more blogs? Right now I’m only seeing three blogs update out of my whole blogroll, and it is really frustrating. Of course, more people could be pinging Ping-o-matic, but I personally can’t force the people on my blogroll to do this. Weblogs.com sucks in many many ways, but it still seems to be the one that everyone sends pings to.

    I understand very well that you all are really busy with the 1.5 release now, so I think the main thing we all need is just some information — will this problem be fixed and what is the time estimate? I know you don’t have an exact time — I just mean a rough estimate like “within the next few weeks/months, etc.” Or even “we don’t think it’s important, so don’t expect things to change.” (I wouldn’t LIKE that answer, but at least I’d know how things stand and would be able to start looking for some other solution to the issue.)

    Really, the main thing that is frustrating is the not knowing, that’s all. ?? So thank you for the info you do provide.

    Moderator James Huff


    Please Consider:

    A. The developers are so busy with their normal lives and developing WordPress that they rarely visit here.

    B. There is a bug track system by which you can submit bugs directly to the developers and can track the progress of that bug.

    C. This bug has not been submitted to the bug tracker.

    D. Basically speaking: Instead of sending mail to a developer’s house, you are sending it to his summer vacation cabana, and you’re hoping that he stops by more often than once a year to pick it up. Demanding an immediate response doesn’t work well when there’s no one around to hear your demands.

    So, please submit the bug appropriately: https://mosquito.www.ads-software.com/



    Well, since you’ve gotten all alphabetical on us… ??

    A. Matt just *did* visit here; I was surprised that he didn’t address the question that had been brought up so many times in the thread, so I asked about it.

    B. The impression I got from the other replies is that this is not a WordPress bug, hence I (and the others posting here, probably) wouldn’t have thought to post it as a bug. I mean, the software is doing exactly what it is supposed to do… contacting Ping-o-matic. It’s just that Ping-O-Matic isn’t supplying as much info as weblogs.com did. Now, maybe it’s a Ping-o-matic bug, though…! Do you think it’s an appropriate thing to clutter the WP bugs database with? I mean, if everyone thinks so, I’d be glad to report it — it just doesn’t seem like a WP bug to me.

    C. See above.

    D. No one was demanding an immediate response. At least, I wasn’t. And I made a point of acknowledging his busyness, thanking him for his help, etc. But I don’t think it’s unreasonable, when a dev comes in and addresses a support issue here, to ask further follow-up questions. Do you? I mean, I appreciate greatly what they have done, since I’m not a programmer and couldn’t do it myself. But they are not gods that walk the earth, above any questioning whatsoever. ?? It’s part of the job, basically. What is unreasonable is expecting that people should not ask questions.

    Moderator James Huff


    True. I’m just suggesting that he may not be back for a while. And, if you’d like to be in the know about the progress of this issue, there are better ways to go about doing it.



    I did receive a response from my email to Ping-o-Matic. It’s a known problem. I guess that means they are working on it or will work on it at some point.

    From my research I would say it is not a WP bug. It’s either a Ping-o-Matic problem, or an interfacing problem between the two. Sadly PoM doesn’t seem to have an excellent support forum like this, so this is where the complaints end up.

    Thread Starter Bryan Villarin


    Just popped in to see Matt saying any bumps would cause that member to possibly be deleted from the forums. So, I won’t bump this thread any longer.

    However, I’ll just link to my post explaining how to track the updated times for the sites that are pinging Ping-O-Matic.


    *runs and changes cron job to 1-hour intervals*

    (Sorry Matt!)

    I think I finally figured out why I’ve only been getting updated times for half-a-dozen of the ninety-plus links in my link roll: If the links in your database are of the format “https://www.timeistight.com,” the Pingomatic API won’t recognize them, even if the site pings Pingomatic religously; the Pingomatic API responds only to links without the “www,” e.g., “https://timeistight.com”. Be sure to check links in the database itself, as the Link Manger list trims the “www” automatically.

    Fixing this does nothing for those sites that don’t ping Pingomatic, of course, but it’s still a big improvement over they way things were.

    But what if the site being linked to does actually require a www? I know many times that is not the case, but I have occasionally run across sites that don’t function without the www hostname. (And what about sites that are “somehostname.domain.com” — for example, Blogspot sites? The hostname is absolutely required for those.)

    “somehostname.domain.com” is fine; it’s just “www.domain.com” that it doesn’t seem to recognise. I guess a site where “www.domain.com” isn’t the same as “domain.com” is just SOL, as far as Pingomatic is concerned.

    I should emphasize that I have no inside knowledge of the workings of Pingomatic – this is just the way things worked for my particular link collection.

    That is very weird. I wonder if it’s a bug. It sounds sort of as if it might be. Did you report it?

    I don’t think it belongs in Mosquito because it’s not a WordPress bug. I think it’s an “undocumented feature” of the Pingomatic API.

    I did email Matt Mullenweg about it but he’s off to Europe now, according to his weblog.

    Well, good — it does sound like something that probably isn’t quite working as it should be. ??

    Thread Starter Bryan Villarin


    timeistight: Dude, there it is! Nice work, my friend! I guess all we do is wait for Matt and see what he says. Basically, don’t bump this thread any longer since it’s a Ping-O-Matic “feature”. =)

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