Hello @jenish11 thanks for getting in touch. If you are referring to the data displayed in Site Kit for GA4 then at present, Site Kit only supports the display of UA(Universal Analytics) data and not yet GA4 within it’s dashboards. You can find out more information on this in our?Using Google Analytics 4 (GA4)?guide.
Here you will also find our GitHub issue for further GA4 work so please feel free to follow this for future updates on GA4 within Site Kit.
You can quickly jump to your Analytics account from the Site Kit dashboard by clicking on the Source: Analytics quick link which will take you to your account where you will be able to view your GA4 data.
This is why the data in your Site Kit dashboard is only showing the UA data currently. You can add a UA code to the site and link this to your GA4. You can do this with the GA4 setup assistant.
We are making good progress on the GA4 reporting with the sunsetting of UA Analytics properties coming up so please keep an eye on this as we look to roll this out as soon as we can. This will not stop the data being tracked.
If you are referring to the reatime data within your Analytics account then this falls out of the scope of our support here for Site Kit. I would reccomend checking the Analytics Help Center in this scenario for more help. I will also not that in some cases, consent management plugins can stop realtime data being tracked until the visitor has agreed to the noticed displayed on sites so that is also something you may want to consider.
Hope this helps to answer your question but let me know if I can help with anything else.