• The idea of a gallery addition in 3.5 really excited me. Right now, we’re using NextGen galleries on our website, and I don’t really like the plugin. It’s a bit of a pain to manage, and the media library is cut off from the pictures that you upload, size, caption, etc. I was hoping that this feature being built into 3.5 would mean the end of NextGen for us.

    Unfortunately, it doesn’t improve much. File management is much easier, creating the galleries is much easier, but there’s two problems – first, not being able to change the size of the images as they’re displayed in the gallery. Second, is what happens when you click on a picture to have a closer look. Viewing on attachment page just opens the same size image on its own page in the theme. And even if this was how you wanted to see the images, you’d have to navigate back and forth for each one. Viewing on image takes you out of the theme completely to view the image full size. What would it take to have these 3.5 native galleries open an interactive slideshow, like a NextGen gallery or a facebook album? Or even stay entirely on the page, and just use the standard page width for a slideshow of that gallery?

    It’s an awesome step in the right direction, I just think it needs more follow through for when folks want to take a closer look at what’s in a gallery. Unless there’s some configuring options that I’m missing…

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  • Thread Starter Shlomobaruch


    Well, you’re already using Fancybox Gallery. On the page you posted, right-click on the page (somewhere below the header image), “View Source”, and very early in the pile of scripts you’ll see something with this: “hr*f=’http:/whiskyandspice.ca/wp-content/plugins/fancybox-gallery/fancybox/jquery.fancybox.css?ver=3.4.2′” It’s already there. It’s just that either that version of Fancybox (there’s several apparently) is not compatible with 3.5 or some other plug-in that you’re using with the galleries isn’t, and that’s what is breaking the script and even letting you see the default view. This script should be loading on every page of yours already. That’s how Lightbox/Colorbox/Fancybox/etc. works – it puts a script in the header (or footer) of each page, so that if you post a gallery, the script is there for it. If you can post a gallery that *doesn’t* work like the one on the page you posted, there’s something breaking that script.

    I can’t make any promises, but here’s the gallery I made in 3.5 (I posted the wrong one earlier): https://www.fleetstreetklez.com/?p=874

    The version of Fancybox this uses is called Fancybox for WordPress (which is more recently updated and configurable than Fancybox Gallery), and it’s working with 3.5 just fine. Like I said, unless there’s something else going on, switching to ‘Fancybox for WordPress’ should fix things.

    Also of note, when the plug-in does work, it overlays the slideshow of an existing NextGen gallery. So if you have Lightbox/Fancybox/whatever running, *and* NextGen, it’ll put it’s slideshow over the NextGen slideshow and then you have to close both to get back to the page. So, say, if you created a bunch of NextGen galleries, and the Fancbox-Gallery folks update their plug-in to 3.5 compatibility, and you update it, your NextGen galleries will get screwed.


    Why not just have the Select Files Button directly above the Media Library thumbnails in the Insert Media banner. There is certainly enough space for this. Having to click between Upload Media and Media Library seems pointless. It doesn’t seem like efficient design.

    for those finding problems with lightbox and the new wp 3.5 gallery.. i’ve got same problems, using jquery lightbox and auto thickbox.

    I found the problem to be that wp 3.5 omits the “gallery=”file” atribute.

    new gallery inserted into post.
    [gallery ids="411737,411733,411736,411735,411732,411734"]
    change this to
    [gallery ids="411737,411733,411736,411735,411732,411734" link="file"]
    or just
    [gallery link="file"]
    and all lightboxes work fine again.

    not tested with other plugins, but it seems to be a pattern.
    for example of working page see
    hope this helps.

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