• Resolved BetsyS


    I have been downloading and activating a handful of gallery plugins, trying to find one which I both understand and like.

    At this point, I’ve deleted all of them.

    But I just noticed that my nice nav menu, at the top of my pages, now shows on two lines instead of one. Somehow the width of that field has been made too small to allow all seven links — where previously they all fit beautifully. I have not touched my css.

    I’m using a twentyeleven child theme; my site is here. I’ll be SO grateful for some help!

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  • No – the CSS responsible is in your child theme’s style.css file. Try using Firefox with the Firebug add-on to identify the left & right padding that you need to reduce.

    Thread Starter BetsyS


    Hi, and thanks for responding. Yes, I understand where the CSS is. And I have firebug. And i was about to change the padding of the links when you answered. What concerns me is that the appearance of the nav bar changed this morning during the course of my adding and deleting gallery plugins. I had not been messing with my nav bar styling at all today. I don’t understand how this change happened all by itself.

    Thread Starter BetsyS


    Never mind. Serious brain freeze is setting in. It was just browser size on my screen. Sorry. Time to step away from the computer.

    Look for this code in child theme if is not there you can add the code in child theme
    #access a {
    color: #AA4F1D;
    display: block;
    line-height: 2em;
    padding: 0 3em;
    text-decoration: none;

    Change 3em to 2em

    Thread Starter BetsyS


    thanks so much, govpatel. I was just being an idiot; I had inadvertently zoomed in a bit on my browser screen. I’ve been doing this for too many hours. Sorry for the dimwitted post.

    We’ve all been there. ??

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