• Resolved jill.allan


    First time website builder here and I have GCal Events installed on my website. It is looking quite smart except I have not been successful is getting it to display in French properly. I would prefer it display fr_CA (French Canadian) but it looks like you only have fr_FR (France French) – correct.
    Even so, I am having issues.
    When assigning fr_FR to the page, I do see Prev changes to Préc. and Next to Suiv. (GOOD) but only until I starting navigating to the next/previous month and then the English displays again (this looks like a bug).
    I do see Loading… consistently displays as chargement… which is great.

    However the months and days of the week and tooltips for Préc & Suiv all stay in English.
    I am also using the xili language and dictionary widgets and when I view the dictionary (msgid’s & associated msgstr’s) I do not see where the months or days of week have been included. Am I missing a step somewhere?

    I would be happy to help with translating if this is the main problem but I would like to do this for fr_CA in addition to fr_FR.

    Please let me know if I a reading this right and if so, how to we can proceed.
    Much appreciated.


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  • Plugin Contributor Fulvio Notarstefano


    Bonjour Jill!

    unfortunately I don’t speak French myself so I’m not sure about the differences between Canadian French and French from France. But if there are, you are very welcome to help us to submit a translation for your language and we will add it to the supported languages. I think it’s a great thing to have more support for languages, English is not my native language either ??

    perhaps it would be best if we collaborate over GitHub if you are familiar with it? it’s easier to submit pull requests there https://github.com/pderksen/WP-Google-Calendar-Events


    Plugin Contributor Fulvio Notarstefano


    hi there,

    regarding the next/prev buttons translations can you check my reply in this thread:


    Thread Starter jill.allan


    Thanks Fulvio,
    Good to know more people are seeing the same issues. Hopefully this will help troubleshooting.
    I also don’t believe I have theme filters for prev/next. I have not set any. I am not totally sure I know where/how to check.
    (gce_prev_text and gce_next_text does not exist in the theme code (but I did not expect it there). I don’t see where there are GCE settings to set filters.)

    I would also be happy to try the version you provided in other post if you think it will help but I will need assistance with how to back up the current version.

    Bonjour Jill, Fulvio,
    I am not sure the french issue is related to translation file.
    In my website, the prev/next buttons continue to give the months in french.

    On the feed shown by the builder, it sounds to work as well.
    i’ve used the codex here below :
    Début: [start-custom format=”D d/m/Y”] [start-time]
    Fin: [end-custom format=”D d/m/Y”] – [end-time]

    and the D show “jeu” for “Jeudi”…
    Have you tried with a generic theme such as “Twenty fourteen” ?


    within folder “..\plugins\google-calendar-events\languages\” with a ftp filemanager, try to rename the 2 following files :
    gce-fr_FR.mo to gce-fr_CA.mo
    gce-fr_FR.po to gce-fr_CA.po

    to see if your issue is fixed. It can be only the fact, translations files should be in french-canadian if your wp is set up like this.


    Plugin Contributor Fulvio Notarstefano


    hey all,

    there’s this other thread about the French language button issue

    I’m marking this thread solved, so I can follow the issue on the other one – looks like is an ajax problem

    as for the French Canadian request, I’ll do as Vincent advised and add a fr_CA file (if there are any language differences, though I need a French Canadian person to adjust the translations)

    thanks for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience

    Thread Starter jill.allan


    Thanks again for both your replies,
    I don’t see this as resolved but I can see these other users are having some of the same issues (not sure all my issues though):
    To recap, when I have the page set to fr_FR:
    1. Prec/Suiv change to English on navigation to previous or next month (of note, if I refresh the page, I see French again)
    2. the tooltips for Prec/Suiv are in English
    3. the months are in English
    4. the abbreviations for the weekdays (and their tooltips) are in English
    For 2-4, it seems the French translations are not in the language file. Am I missing something? I would have thought they should be there.

    I tried the twentyfourteen theme (in live preview mode) and the Prev/Next buttons were not even displaying. Everything was in English. I tried the twentythirteen theme and see the same issues I am having with my current theme
    I don’t see how changing to fr_CA will help as there is no translation for fr_CA (and when I do change to fr_CA, the calendar is all English) Plus I do have the page identified a fr_FR and I see some pieces translated to French (Prec, Suiv and chargement… – these are in the language file).
    We may change the website to English and fr_FR (instead of fr__CA) to resolve some issues, but it will be a bit a pain so I want to be sure it will be a good solution.
    I am using xili plugins (language, dictionary & tidy tags) for translation. I have been happy with it but the instructions are difficult to follow. Perhaps I should look at another plugin. I don’t have $$ to spend on WPML unless I find it is the only solution.
    Any help appreciated
    thanks again,

    Dear Jill,
    I guess you should have a easy solution, through Xili plugin. which sounds to take the control of the po files.
    So, I guess the easiest solution should be to create some new sting within Xili dictionnary with the months and dates. It shouldn’t take so long
    for instance ;
    msgid “Juillet”
    msgstr “July”

    J’ai regardé xili, intéressant, mais pour l’instant je vais me contenter de ma version fran?aise-france de mon site..
    Et maintenant, si j’ai des soucis avex xili, je saurai à qui m’adresser.
    Bonne chance.

    Thread Starter jill.allan


    Thanks. If it was only that easy but I have spent hours trying to do exactly that – to no avail. I have set up msgid’s and msgstr’s (linked) and try to get them into the table without success. After reading the reviews I see I am not alone. If you can suggest the translation plugin you used, I would be extremely grateful.

    Plugin Contributor Fulvio Notarstefano


    Hello there,

    I’m resurrecting an old thread to point out that since version 3.0 of the plugin we’d like to experiment translations with Transifex:


    this should provide an easy to use and practical tool to translate this plugin (no coding skills or external applications required!)

    also, a lot in v. 3.0.0 is changed and the old translations are mostly inadequate (on the positive side, most of the frontend part doesn’t require translations and in fact will support more languages)

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