• ResolvedPlugin Contributor Phil Derksen


    Great news. We’re pretty darn sure your Google calendar displays will work once again.

    Nick and I have been working on the switch to the new Google Calendar API (version 3), and after a bunch of tweaks and testing we believe it’s now good to go.

    Please update your GCal Events plugin to 2.1.0 (or higher) and let us know in the forums if it’s still not working.

    Google basically requires an API key for all requests now. By default the WordPress plugin now uses a shared public API key we generated.

    Our request limit shared among all users is currently 500,000 requests per day and 5 requests per second. We applied for more today, but we’ll have to wait to hear back from Google if we’re allowed na increase.

    At 330,000+ plugin downloads we’re not sure if this is sufficient or not yet for everyone. But we do know that the caching provided in our plugin helps reduce the number of requests.

    If you’re concerned about this quota set for all plugin users, you do have the option of generating and using your own GCal API key across your sites. More info and instructions are found on the General Settings page after you update.

    Sorry again for the downtime the last couple days. We’ll do our best to tackle these issues a little more in advance in the future.


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  • Seems it doesn’t work: No events to display. I created an own Google API but nothing shows up.

    Edit: When i share the calendar to public (at Google) the events wil show up.
    But: for one calendar is public showing allowed, for the other calendar is that not possible. (Names and adresses in the events.)

    The problem is half solved now.

    Ok, got it to work now.
    1. I created an own API key with my server’s IP address.
    2. Set all Google Calendars to public.
    3. Updated all GCE feeds in WordPress by copying the (new) feed IDs from Google.



    After Updating to 2.1 first I did not see any feeds.
    After entering the new calendar feed ids from google one of my feeds shows up, but Allday- and Multiday-Events are missing from my list.

    For the second feed I’m still getting this error:

    Some data was retrieved, but could not be parsed successfully. Please ensure your feed settings are correct.

    It still does not show any events for me, although I have updated the “GCE feeds”, created and set my own API key and set all calendars to be public. One thing I can think of: I’m using calendars of a user with Google Apps with custom domain, so the feed looks like: “[email protected]

    Any ideas how to show the events again?



    O.K I got the second feed to show up finally.
    I’m not sure what the problem is- But I can explain what happened:

    I put the new Calender ID into the feed field in GCE and whenever I tried to publish it, the “/public/basic” at the end of the link is cut of.
    Finally I wrote it back to the end of the link. I was still cut of again, but then the display on my website worked.



    Still broken for me. And I too am using Google Apps for Business with a custom domain.

    (Calendar ID: [email protected])

    Times for calendar events are not reading the timezone set in WordPress.



    I created a brand-new public Google calendar. Added an event. Created a new GCAL event feed and this is what I get. “Some data was retrieved, but could not be parsed successfully. Please ensure your feed settings are correct.
    No events to display.”

    Some data was retrieved, but could not be parsed successfully. Please ensure your feed settings are correct.

    I don’t know what parts of my feed should be kept private so here is a generic url that I use:

    https://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/%5Bcode%[email protected]/private-%5Bcode%5D/basic

    I know it is marked private, but if I used the feed in the browser url, I can view it (even when not logged in to google.) Also this is the same feed URL that I have always used in the past.

    Is there anything I can do to correct this?



    OK. I found the solution to the old calendars showing up for us. Unfortunately, it will be a long and painful road to get everything restored. Here is the process:

    1.) Export your Google Calendars.
    2.) Unshare and rename for current Google Calendars. We added (discontinued GAPIv2) to the end of ours. So that we can know the difference.
    3.) Create a new Google Calendar. Share it with the Public.
    4.) Import your ICS file that you exported in step 1.
    5.) Create a new GCAL feed in your WordPress website.

    I hope this helps others.

    Lisa C


    Looks like it’s working great for at least one of my clients’ sites. They’re using Google Apps for Business, self-hosted, custom URL, with some fancy shortcodes sprinkled throughout the site. Their old calendars are pulling data just fine (although I don’t have any all-day events, so I can’t speak to that issue).

    One teeny-tiny nitpicky thing I noticed: the “Next” link in the calendar grid is somehow misaligned, at least on the first site I updated. It’s too far to the right, so the entire word “Next” doesn’t display, just the first two letters. I used the following CSS to fix it:

    div.gce-next a.gce-change-month {
    	margin-left: -20px;

    Thanks Phil for all your hard work! I honestly wasn’t expecting a fix on this until Friday. It’s much appreciated!

    ETA: Just updated on another client’s site and didn’t have the text alignment issue. Weird. Oh well!

    I’m joining the chorus… All Day events not showing up in my list view either. (nysalja.org) Works well if start time-end time are set. Thanks for working to fix this.

    Plugin Contributor Phil Derksen


    Hey folks. Nick and I just pushed this update 8 hours ago, so we’ll do our best to address issues throughout the day.

    A few quick things:

    1) All day events not showing — Looks like we missed this. I confirmed the issue and we’ll address this first thing.

    2) Calendar ID — The update process was supposed to change this for you, but check that your feeds are in fact using the new ID format and NOT the old XML feed URL format.

    See https://wpdocs.philderksen.com/google-calendar-events/getting-started/find-calendar-id/

    3) Private / Google Apps Calendar — We hadn’t tested with these, but will see what we can do. Unsure what’s possible here yet with the new API.

    Thanks for everyone’s patience and feedback. We’ll patch the plugin as we’re able to fix things.

    Plugin Contributor Phil Derksen


    **Attn Developers**

    A great jQuery (non-WP) calendar plugin out there that includes GCal support is Arshaw’s FullCalendar.

    They experienced similar issues as we did when things broke this week, but the author and several developers are continually helping get it back up to speed.

    If you want to scour their code, experiment and provide any suggestions for our WP plugin, here are a few links to get you started.


    In addition, we welcome pull requests on the GitHub source for our WP plugin.



    You are killin it Phil, thanks man. All my sites are back up with minimal speed bumps.

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