• ResolvedPlugin Contributor Phil Derksen


    Great news. We’re pretty darn sure your Google calendar displays will work once again.

    Nick and I have been working on the switch to the new Google Calendar API (version 3), and after a bunch of tweaks and testing we believe it’s now good to go.

    Please update your GCal Events plugin to 2.1.0 (or higher) and let us know in the forums if it’s still not working.

    Google basically requires an API key for all requests now. By default the WordPress plugin now uses a shared public API key we generated.

    Our request limit shared among all users is currently 500,000 requests per day and 5 requests per second. We applied for more today, but we’ll have to wait to hear back from Google if we’re allowed na increase.

    At 330,000+ plugin downloads we’re not sure if this is sufficient or not yet for everyone. But we do know that the caching provided in our plugin helps reduce the number of requests.

    If you’re concerned about this quota set for all plugin users, you do have the option of generating and using your own GCal API key across your sites. More info and instructions are found on the General Settings page after you update.

    Sorry again for the downtime the last couple days. We’ll do our best to tackle these issues a little more in advance in the future.


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  • To confirm, this doesn’t seem to be working correctly with private links.

    I’m getting the error message “Some data was retrieved, but could not be parsed successfully. Please ensure your feed settings are correct.”

    I have several calendars, and have not checked every feeds’ settings, but the ones I have checked appear fine (the settings worked before) and the feed Google Calendar ID’s are correct for the private address from Google.

    Similar to craigcallen who posted an hour ago, I see the time zones are off (for me they are 8 hours ahead which I think is UTC). As well, all day events don’t work but I know that you know that.

    Thanks for the hard work on this and best of luck.

    Thanks Phil! I ended up creating my own distinct API key for each of the 3 sites as it was getting a timeout error on 2 of them. I also noticed that in our older site using GCE (built in 2008) that the feed id was truncating in GCE when saved. I just needed to shorten the feed id by removing the fully qualified Google site name – it works now.

    Hi, I appreciate all your work in such a short time to make this plugin work again. I think I’ve found at least one small bug at this point though. I have a calendar displaying in a page as a grouped list. When I have the “How many events to display per page” option set to X number of events instead of X number of days, the “Back” and “Next” buttons fail to display, so you can’t advance past the first X events. When I switch the option to a number of days, the Back and Next buttons reappear.

    EDIT: It appears the same thing happens in widget lists.



    This plugin is excellent and I appreciate your fast reaction in fixing it – even though it is a freebie. You are an example of paying it forward.

    I cannot believe that of all the thousands of WordPress plugins out there, there is ONE that really works magic with Google Calendar feeds. This one! I have set up our marketing team to post events to one Google calendar and they are fed to eight different unit websites using this plugin. Until this glitch, it has always worked very well.

    You’d think Google would contact you directly when making changes to a an API that affects millions through this plugin alone.

    works only partial:

    1) right side: “Schularbeiten” – no events displayed
    2) right side: “Die n?chsten Termine” – everything is ok

    same in monthly view
    1) Google Calendar ID is: nms-badhall.at_8e2oojcj9a……[email protected]
    2) Google Calendar ID is: [email protected]

    why is nr 2 working and nr 1 not?


    My client’s site, which was running an older version of the plugin, suddenly reported that the calendars we were using were private (they weren’t), so I tried the update, only to discover that it’s also showing no events. I even got my own API key, I’ve at triple-checked to make sure I have the right calendar ID … nada. “No events to display.” (I promise, there are tons of events and the feed for the calendar works when I check it.) We were using the plugin to parse a Google calendar that was in turn an import from Basecamp, so our calendar ID ends with “@import.calendar.google.com”. Not sure if that’s a contributing factor. I tried it with an @groups calendar, but that didn’t work, either.

    Please fix soon or I’m going to have to settle on a far inferior plugin or else a much more costly one.

    tobiasmurphy, have you gone in to try to tinker with the list settings? I had it do the same at first, but the lists were only displaying events in the next 5 days, and the particular calendar I was using didn’t have any events for something like 13 days.

    Also, while old short codes still somehow showed some of the results, it wasn’t until I began using the new short codes with new feed IDs that the changes I made in the feed settings began to make any difference.

    HCOE-web, thanks for your thoughts. I did tinker with the list settings, but I didn’t even see a listing for the new short codes. Do you know where they are?

    On the sites I had to fix this morning, the feed IDs had all changed, and the actual short code you put on the page is different now. For example, on one site I had three feeds, and their ids were simply 1, 2 and 3. The short codes I used before with version 0.7.2 would have been something like:

    [google-calendar-events id="2" type="list" title="" max="30"]

    Now, both the feed IDs and the actual short codes for the same feed are different, and the arguments can be set in the feed settings instead of as part of the short code. So now the same feed’s short code is just:

    [gcal id="132"]

    and the type and max arguments are defined in the feed settings. The short code for any given feed is listed in the feed settings. (This is now a separate entry on your main dashboard, “GCal Events” instead of having to go to Settings > Google Calendar Events like it was on version 0.7 of the plugin.)

    I think the feed IDs were assigned automatically by the plugin, and (someone correct me if I’m wrong) the high numbers may be due to the fact that most users are now under the universal API key.

    Still not working.
    All I see is the following with nothing else displayed.

    “Some data was retrieved, but could not be parsed successfully. Please ensure your feed settings are correct.
    No events to display.”

    Check your Feed Settings and ensure it’s not using a fully qualified path to your Google Calendar. On my old site, it was using a fully qualified path to Google Calendar and it only needs the user name of the Google Calendar. In fact, GCE truncates the Feed ID as some cutoff point during the page Update. There is a help hyperlink on the Feed Settings page to you how to find your GCAL ID – it may have changed.

    Works famously! Thanks Phil for all the work you have dedicated to this.

    I have a private calendar and mostly all-day events, and my page shows “no events to display”. I checked, and the I am using the correct GCAL ID.


    I’m not sure I’m writing on the right place but Phil mentionned this in a previous message:

    In addition, we welcome pull requests on the GitHub source for our WP plugin.

    I’m not familiar with github (I really should take some time to learn more about it!) so I give you my contribution here.
    I completed, updated, and improved the french translation. In addition, I pointed out some localization problems in the plugin core files that should be fixed in github.
    My comments:

    In \google-calendar-events\includes\gce-feed-cpt.php
    Line 94:
    add_meta_box( 'gce_feed_meta', 'Feed Settings', 'gce_display_meta', 'gce_feed', 'advanced', 'core' );
    Sould be:
    add_meta_box( 'gce_feed_meta', __('Feed Settings', 'gce'), 'gce_display_meta', 'gce_feed', 'advanced', 'core' );

    Line 97:
    add_meta_box( 'gce_feed_sidebar_help', __( 'Helpful Links', 'gce' ), 'gce_feed_sidebar_help', 'gce_feed', 'side', 'core' );
    Should be (omitted one ‘l’ in helpfull):
    add_meta_box( 'gce_feed_sidebar_help', __( 'Helpfull Links', 'gce' ), 'gce_feed_sidebar_help', 'gce_feed', 'side', 'core' );

    Line 99:
    add_meta_box( 'gce_display_options_meta', 'Display Options', 'gce_display_options_meta', 'gce_feed', 'side', 'core' );
    Should be:
    add_meta_box( 'gce_display_options_meta', __('Display Options', 'gce'), 'gce_display_options_meta', 'gce_feed', 'side', 'core' );

    In \google-calendar-events\views\widgets.php
    Line 197:
    $title_text = ( isset( $instance['display_title_text'] ) ) ? $instance['display_title_text'] : 'Events on';
    Should be:
    $title_text = ( isset( $instance['display_title_text'] ) ) ? $instance['display_title_text'] : __('Events on', 'gce');

    Line 206:
    <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'title' ); ?>">Title:</label>
    Should be:
    <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'title' ); ?>">__('Title:', 'gce')</label>

    Line 231:
    <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'order' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Sort Order (List View only):' ); ?></label>
    Should be:
    <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'order' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Sort Order (List View only):', 'gce' ); ?></label>

    The new fr package (including the fix for the comments above):

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