• Resolved bradborland


    I know that GDPR is a concern for many and I’ve scoured both the net and here to find answers. There seems to be so much confusing advice. Here’s my situation.

    1. I have the default WordPress comments activated. There is a box that I checked labeled: “Show comments cookies opt-in checkbox, allowing comment author cookies to be set.”

    Should this remained checked?

    2. Jetpack has a wideget that installs a banner on my site for cookies acceptance.

    Do I need this in addition to the above?

    3. I also have Mailchimp installed.

    Is there a setting for them I need to activate?


    Do I need all of these opt ins or just one or two? I’m a bit confused with so many options.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter bradborland


    …And I have a Privacy Policy in place.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Quite possibly the worst place, hands down without exception, to ask GDPR questions is this site. ??

    WordPress software questions, yes. GDPR questions? No, absolutely not. You’ll get bad answers.

    *Drinks coffee*

    Let’s try and narrow it down.

    1. I have the default WordPress comments activated. There is a box that I checked labeled: “Show comments cookies opt-in checkbox, allowing comment author cookies to be set.”

    Should this remained checked?

    That’s not really GDPR but give this a read about your WordPress installation and privacy.


    2. Jetpack has a wideget that installs a banner on my site for cookies acceptance.

    For Jetpack, try asking here.


    3. I also have Mailchimp installed.

    That’s not really a question for this site, that’s a service and asking on that service’s site directly may get you the answers you are looking for.


    Thread Starter bradborland


    I was just trying to get other’s opinions about how to sift through this GDPR mess.

    Thread Starter bradborland


    What does this (below from Discussion Settings) exactly mean and is it something I need checked?

    “Show comments cookies opt-in checkbox, allowing comment author cookies to be set.”

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    I was just trying to get other’s opinions about how to sift through this GDPR mess.

    These are not discussion and opinion forums. Theses are support forums, people’s opinion on GDPR will get this topic closed. There are blogs and other sites for that.

    If you have a question about how code hosted here works, that’s for these forums. If you are soliciting feedback about things that are not code related then seek help about that part elsewhere.

    Show comments cookies opt-in checkbox, allowing comment author cookies to be set.

    Need checked? Need isn’t really the right word. Only if you want that. That check mark does exactly what it says.


    It’s just if you want to let users know they can opt-in to setting a cookie for their comment set so that their browser will recognize that they left a comment before and pre-populate the comment form on subsequent visits.

    Some are concerned about cookies. If that’s a concern for you then leave it checked, which I believe is the default setting.

    If you are concerned about GDPR or cookies, consult a different site. If you’re concerned about those services such as Jetpack and Mailchimp then you will need to ask them directly.

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