• herby007


    I just startet WP and found, that, if I publish an article, the German Umlaute (ae=?, ue=ü, ss=?) are corrupt. Per Example:
    I wrote “Herr Müller” and I geht “Herr MA1/4ller”
    What can I do?
    Thank you so much for Hints!

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  • Gordon


    I didn’t see any problems with Umlaute. Do you using the latest stable wordpress version (1.0.1)?
    Normally wordpress converts the umlaute into utf8 characters. The “MA1/4ller” may result of the version of your browser. So the next question is what browser you are using?

    Thread Starter herby007


    Thank you for your answer! Oh, it seems, it was a problem of the night-slip 2004-03-08-version. Now I use 1.0.1 and all things works fine!

    I’m getting the same Problem.
    It seems the stuff I put into the Post-Field gets converted to UTF8 before inserting it into the DB. I can’t find the position where this takes place. I’d really like to diable this, since it makes my texts really ugly, even in up-to-date Browsers.
    Any hints?

    I fixed it:
    The reason for all this hassle was WP1.2 using UTF-8 for everything. My old entries from 0.72 were still Latin-1, so was my text-encoding index.php. I changed it to UTF-8. The new entries looked fine old but the old ones did not.
    I wrote a little plugin to convert entries (Umlauts) from Latin1 to UTF-8, that fixed it for me.

    For this and the 2 other bugs I discovered yesterday, I’ve put up a page with details and fixes which can be reached here:
    There you can download the Latin-2-UTF plugin

    hey Jan thanx so much dude!!! the plug-in worx smoothe as butter!

    Jan, your apply_filters and link_pages fixes have been committed. Thanks.

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