1. This plugin does not adapt your current theme to mobile – it replaces it with its own built-in themes, that you can only customize to a degree. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but you need to be aware of it.
    2. The plugin’s mobile template does not render short codes – on purpose. It’s a “pro feature” that you need to pay the $80/year (minimum) to get, even though it uses a built-in functionality of WordPress and need no “pro code” to work, the plugin just disables that as an upgrade incentive.

      If you feel like you know what you are doing, it is actually pretty easy to re-enable short code rendering by editing the plugin’s wpts_wptouch_pro option in the WordPress options database.
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  • can you expand on this adaptation and configuration of the wpts_wptouch_pro option please?

    in my experience, shortcodes work perfectly in mobile, if they are not defined in your theme’s functions.php…just move those to plugins.

    and you can modify/add to the wpt default theme:

    cd $HOME/www/wp-content/plugins/wptouch/themes/bauhaus/default
    ln -s ../../../../../themes/lalo/news.php.ln2wpt news.php
    ln -s ../../../../../themes/lalo/edd_templates .
    ln -s ../../../../../themes/lalo/archive.php .
    ln -s ../../../../../themes/lalo/single-download.php .
    ln -s ../../../../../themes/lalopubs/single-published_authors.php .
    ln -s ../../../../../themes/lalopubs/single-published_titles.php .
    ln -s ../../../../../themes/lalopubs/taxonomy-genres.php .

    rm -f 404.php
    ln -s ../../../../../themes/lalo/404.php .

    of course, that has to be done after every wpt update…the above code is a cron job-)

    hi Airdrummer.

    Thanks for that, but I have almost no idea what it means or how to program it, but thanks anyways.

    I’m interested in this bit though….”in my experience, shortcodes work perfectly in mobile, if they are not defined in your theme’s functions.php…just move those to plugins.”

    Can you elaborate please?



    shortcodes can be defined either in the theme’s functions.php file, which of course will not be loaded by wpt, or in a plugin that you create & install:

    * @package cardinal glen hoa
    * @version 1.20
    Plugin Name: cardinal glen hoa
    Description: Site specific code for cardinalglen.org
    function todays_date( $attrs, $content=null)
    extract( shortcode_atts(
    array('fmt' => get_option('date_format')),
    $attrs ) );
    $fmt = $attrs['fmt'];
    return date($fmt);
    add_shortcode('todays_date', 'todays_date');


    • This reply was modified 1 month, 3 weeks ago by airdrummer.

    I’m using a plugin called Advanced View Franework Lite, which allows me to use my ACF custom fields and create a template of fields and formatting which can then be embedded inside a page using a shortcode. Could these shortcode structure be added to the wp-touch functions php file?

    sorry, don’t know why that plugin’s sc aren’t working, but if you have access to your database in for example phpmyadmin:

    SELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_name LIKE ‘wpts_wptouch_pro’

    mine contains:


    and s.c.s are executed…interestingly, another website that works contains:


    the 1st time i looked, but now doesn’t contain those lines…wtf?


    yes, mine seems to be the same as the first on your message. Nothing resembling the second bit in mine, but i wouldn’t know where to place the text entries in the field, as there way be a specific order to it all.

    it is only the shortcodes relating to the ACF custom fields that do not render anything on the website pages, not even to show [shortcode].

    all the other shortcodes seem to work.

    ah, only acf…i haven’t used that in a while…googling “acf shortcode not working wptouch” returns quite a few including this: https://support.wptouch.com/article/565-adding-support-for-the-advanced-custom-fields-plugin

    it looks like you have to explicitly Include the custom field call where you want the custom field to appear in your page template, which wpt bypasses. so u would have to copy your theme’s templates into wpt’s: wp-content/plugins/wptouch/themes/bauhaus/default

    good luck & have fun;-)

    yes thanks, seen that and enabled it. Trouble is you can only use common text acf fields not one’s coming from other formats and styles, which is why I’ve used the ?Advanced View Franework Lite plugin and their shortcodes.


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