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  • Lorelle


    The codex is down for some serious upgrading. This past week took a HUGE toll on it with bazillions of people searching on it. It just couldn’t take it, so it should be up and running any minute.

    If you search google, they have a “cache” feature that will allow you to “see” the page when it was last “scanned”. That should help.

    As for making it simple for simple folks, Isn’t the built in file upload with the auto thumbnail thing helpful? It gives you the code which the user then pastes into their page where they want it. Can’t get much simplier than that. Well, actually, there is a simplier way, but it isn’t simple.

    You can make a QUICKTAG for them in the WRITE panel. If they click on it, it would put in all the code for the image, but they would have to put in the name of the graphic. And then they would have to upload it using Windows FTP (built in, looks like Windows Explorer and so it’s familiar) to the right folder. Instead of having it mostly automatic, at least they wouldn’t have to copy and paste.

    Honestly, I believe that people will learn if given enough incentive. I find turning off the phone and ignoring their emails enough incentive for them to figure it out by themselves ??


    Thread Starter pelias


    Thanks for the tip about seraching google and using the cache.

    The file upload is really nice. The code display just seems to be lacking (for those who don’t know HTML). It would be almost perfect it if provided the thumbnail (if the option to generate one was chosen during upload) as the default image in the image tag generated. Also the complete code to display the thumb with a link to the original image would be nice.

    A built-in file broswer where a user can select a file in the list and provide the code snippet for copying/pasting in the entry would be a godsend in this situation.

    Don’t get me wrong WP is great, especially for a free easy to install and use light CMS/Blog tool. I am digging the new version and can’t wait to get my hands on the docs so I can get rolling with it.

    So can some one please tell this newbie how to get a thumbnail to generate a pop-up image to a specific size. I tried using a java code along with my link but it did not work.


    I am bumping this because it has not been anwsered fully since orig post 2/27, and after I brought it back to life ignored for 10 hours.

    I really think WP needs to address these common questions, I spend an hour searching and found none except for this old post which asked exactly what I wanted to know,

    there must be some one who can help!

    Thank you

    Why not just add in the link yourself and add the target=”_blank” statement in. As for getting it to show at a certain resolution, I’m thinking that would need something more than just php or java in order to resize pictures on the fly like that, but I could be wrong.

    not the same. I prefer a pop-up window to display the image to specified size. I would think some sort of java is needed?

    So how do I do it?


    Still looking for a way to generate a pop-up image in new browser to specified size…

    You’ll need to hunt through the script sites maybe for the js to handle the specified size situation. That’s not really an inherent ability in wp….

    nobody is doing it? I’ve seen it done on other blogs, so I was hoping some one out here knows how, or what the script is.


    Well, I don’t know about “nobody”, but I don’t post images to blogs. I personally despise pages full of that sort of thing. I do know there are scripts that will do it, I’ve seen them while on the sites looking for other things.

    If you had to regularly fix blown links from thumbs to full graphics produced by idiots using Front Page, you’d despise the setup too…. *sigh*

    Anyone who switched from Movable Type to WordPress is used to having these pop-up thumbnails generated automatically, and MT will even insert the code into a new post for you. (MT required Image Magick to be installed on your server.) Most people who are moving to WP are convinced that it is better in every way than MT, and the fact that MT has a more full-featured file uploader is a bit of a surprise. No wonder there are so many photo plugins for WordPress. There are a lot of situations where photos are entirely appropriate for the subject matter at hand, so it is not unreasonable for people to look for a way to speed the process up. By automating the process, MT spared its users the “blown links” that you grumble about.

    Anyone who switched from Movable Type to WordPress is used to having these pop-up thumbnails generated automatically, and MT will even insert the code into a new post for you. (MT required Image Magick to be installed on your server.) Most people who are moving to WP are convinced that it is better in every way than MT, and the fact that MT has a more full-featured file uploader is a bit of a surprise. No wonder there are so many photo plugins for WordPress. There are a lot of situations where photos are entirely appropriate for the subject matter at hand, so it is not unreasonable for people to look for a way to speed the process up. By automating the process, MT spared its users the “blown links” that you grumble about.

    I have NOT tried this yet, but I am going to. There is a link here that gives an explanation for how to do what the topic of this thread is asking. I hope it helps.

    I think that is what the zapimgpopup plugin does.

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