• Interface qui vieillit, mais en termes de fonctionnalité et de simplicité, c’est impressionnant. Les modules payants permettent d’avoir un niveau de données incroyable pour un co?t annuel ultra-compétitif comparé à la concurrence.

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  • Plugin Support dizzyatinnocraft


    Hi @grizigi, thanks for the 5 star review! When you say the interface is getting old, do you mean the WordPress side or the Reporting/Tag Manager side? (Or both?)

    Thread Starter Hamtaro


    Both. There are other plugins with better interfaces and quick insights about the main stats. I love Matomo but I think the interface needs to be completely revamped to look more like Monsterinsight. For example the user journeys to conversion should be directly integrated to WP.

    Plugin Support dizzyatinnocraft


    Thanks for the clarification! We’re planning on revamping the WordPress side of things. I’ve forwarded the feedback for our core product team for consideration. If you have any other feedback, don’t hesitate to post, we’re always eager to hear it.

    Thread Starter Hamtaro


    Great ! The WordPress panel is the priority, as it’s where we go for a quick look.

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