GEO support
Would it be possible to add support for geolocation? and base on geo-ip? Show/hide if geo-ip is equal to x or y. To be able to display more targeting things to geo locations.
Hello @alriksson,
you can add this support, by adding a own Dynamic Tag (
The geo-ip information could be in an array and checked with the condition contain.
We will not add any new Dynamic Tags with this Plugin, since this Plugin is just for conditions on Dynamic Tags. But we are thinking about to create a new Plugin with a Dynamic Tag Condition. Anyway we do not see a way to add geo-ip since we need a third-party service for it and they are cost intensive.
We mark this issue as resolved. If you need any further help, just open a new issue.
Oh okay, thanks though it was possible to determine in an easier way thanks for the information! Maybe something that should be in elementor when it comes to marketing combability.
You are welcome!
We think it should not to be that hard to extend one of the existing geo ip plugins for WordPress for a Dynamic Tag. You can search for one and ask the contributors there or just do it you self on top of it.
Yeah but think this should be supported and in elementor rather than mix with extra plugins and dynamic features:
Maybe elementors funnel and marketing arsenal would be too much and never happen since it requires them to use service or build it themselves to verify the geo.
But would dynamic conditions be able to see and display another text based on a span class? I.e if span class in this other field with the shortcode return on the frontend flag-icon-gb display this other block?
Should be possible right if I create a custom field with this specific shortcode? Or does your plugin look at the backend or frontend rendered code?
This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by
It sounds like a nice idea, we tried it with acf fields, but it seems like the value is not parsed as value to our plugin.
We will further investigate that.
You can try it for your self to check if it works with your custom field. You just have to make sure that the shortcode will be executed in your custom field and if you are lucky it will work.
We was wrong, it seem like it works with acf field (Wysiwyg Editor), but it is not working on our preview.If we are right, you could do a acf Wysiwyg Editor field witht he shortcode in it and check for Contains > Text.
Hope that helps you.
This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by
Oh great! Would it work with text and textarea? So it did work with looking at the span class? flag-icon-gb and then use contains > text display or hide based on a condition? Sounds great
For me it does not even display the flag from the plugin. Did it work with wisiwyg for you? I tried all of text, text area and wisiwyg.
This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by
We tried it with just a shortcode.
We added 2 fields a text field and a wysiwyg field.
text field input = test
wysiwyg input = [acf field=”text” post_id=”12″]In the editor:
Dynamic Tag -> ACF Field (wysiwyg field)
Condition = Contains
Compare Type = Text
Conditional value = testWe tried it once with “Hide when condition met” and once with “Show when condition met”. On the Preview it was not working. But on the live page it worked like it should.
Anyway we will try to add an option for the next update where you can say execute shortcodes for the dynamic tag. So it should work better. But you should not wait for the update because it will take some time. We have a huge workload for our customers right now.
@rtowebsites okay so you never tested with
Ok but you never tried to see if the dynamic condition could listen to a specific span class. That only execute on frontend?
Preview mode never works with the conditions, never worked. ONLY works on frontend and live.
Anyway we will try to add an option for the next update where you can say execute shortcodes for the dynamic tag.
Not really following to 100%, but sounds interesting!
@alriksson we did not got this Plugin, since this feature is for the Pro version we can not test it.
But the short code should work like very other one and should be rendered at the same time.
Maybe you can send us the content from the Debug Mode inside Dynamic Conditoons to get some advanced informations.
The condition “Contains” will check for everything inside the string also for html elements and classes. If the shortcode delivers “<span class=”flag-icon flag-icon-gb” style=”font-size: 15em;”></span>” You can check for the string “flag-icon-gb”
Since we don’t know how the geo plugin works we can not really say much about it.
If you want us to investigate further, you could create an example page for us.
@rtowebsites Aha okay, Neither do I have their Pro version but strange then the free version does nothing. And hard for us to test then..
Yes but the span and classes only apply on the rendered html version upon why my question.
The condition “Contains” will check for everything inside the string also for html elements and classes. If the shortcode delivers “<span class=”flag-icon flag-icon-gb” style=”font-size: 15em;”></span>” You can check for the string “flag-icon-gb”
But yeah this is the exact idea. But their plugin seems to only display images on Pro version. Then we can no test and it is not critical today, want to know if it would work etc and though their shortcode displayed flag even in the free version. But then it is like ghost plugin ??
I’m happy for now since I don’t have the pro version of the plugin and this was a pre-question for further development we can leave it for now. And when I need support to see if it works I will pick you guys here! But the key thing I wanted to know which should tell if the setup would work is.. do dynamic condition look at the rendered, not rendered or both HTML version in the condition and text string.
@alriksson we just take the value from the getElementSettings. It depends on Elementor and the way they prepare the values. Dynamic tags seems to be rendered in frontend when we get them. But we can not tell you for 100 percent now. When we got some more time we will take a closer look at the dynamic tag in Elementor and tell you.
Im having a problem with the dynamic condition plugin. It wont shof the dynamic tag in the first row. it only show the hide/show option and condition only? What is the issue? can someone help.Hello @suomi313
did you have the Pro-Version of Elementor? Only Elementor Pro has DynamicTags.
Without Pro, you can′t use DynamicConditions. -
This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by
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