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  • Thanks for testing out the plugin – unfortunately, we have not yet had the time to put a proper tutorial together on how to use it.

    We do however have some very basic documentation available on how to set it up or what to expect once it has been activated:

    And also have some examples of the shortcodes available:

    Essentially, gPress add new geo-relevant layers to WordPress, adding a new post type called “places”, which allows you to set as many different places as you like, which each get represented by a marker on the map.

    Using shortcodes, you can then create a page and insert a map that shows all of those places on the same map, which is what you are after. Using the WYSIWYG shortcuts from within the POSTS only allows you to add ad-hoc maps with one marker.

    If you want to display all places on a single map, you will need to first create a page and then add the necessary shortcode to display all the places on that map.

    gPress also allows you to integrate Foursquare and links in with BuddyPress to provide user locations and sitewide geo-tagged posts. It also adds new geoRSS features and integrates with the native Automattic mobile applications to allow you to geo-tag posts from your mobile device. More features and better documentation will be available soon, but time is limited – so if anyone wants to put a tutorial together, we’d be ever so grateful… ??

    @mark Smalley
    I saw your comment that you work for thepremiumpress as well.

    I don’t want to hijack this thread, but I have sent numerous contact form emails to the site about testing out/purchasing the radiopress plugin and have never received a response. (I realize it’s not done yet)

    Is there a way of contacting you directly outside these forums?

    @anointed – have just replied to your email – and once again, my deepest apologies for the delay… Look forward to hearing back from you…

    gmaps looks cool, does it require the $149 subscription fee for anyone to use?

    I stumbled on this:

    I think for now it looks like it’ll do what I need (basic multi-point map with URL links, and the ability to update). Nice thing about it is you just have to update the google spreadsheet to update the map. I’m embedding the map as an iframe and it seems to work…

    Thread Starter ThePremiumPress


    Our subscription fee provides access to the latest version, upgrades and support for the gMaps geo-tagging theme framework, but since it is licensed under the GPL, there is no fee for using it (as such) ??

    gMaps is a premium solution intended for other designers, developers any people running commercial businesses or who require professional support for their geo-tagging needs. We are presently nearing the end of completing gMaps 2.0, which is a fully-on geo-tagging theme framework that utilizes parent and child themes to separate functionality and style and have some extremely specific and interesting goals ahead us with the continued development of the gMaps framework.

    There are plenty of FREE alternatives that touch upon geo-tagging and allow you to DIY or hack things together for your needs, but if you are looking for one that’s built into WordPress, rather than using external third-party systems, gPress is about the best you could hope for, and should be able to recreate what you can do with the wizard you recommended – – its come a long way since its 0.1 release, and although its still in BETA and only at version, it’s still quite powerful…

    my site:



    Can you use gpress or gmaps to get geolocations of the people viewing your site and redirect them to a homepage that is relevant to their area?



    What is interesting is that it offers something new. Few companies manage to do so. Most try to copy and new we do not like this. Anyway congratulations, and I hope to keep so.
    from piese auto

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