Hello @meckerlax
At the moment, you’ll need to edit core plugin file stock-quote.php and do couple changes:
#1: find line with comment // Define class based on change.
and add below that line:
$prefix = '';
#2: find line } elseif ( $q_change > 0 ) {
and add below that line:
$prefix = '+';
#3: find line with comment // Text.
and add below that line:
$q_price = number_format( $q_price, 2, ',', '.' );
$q_change = $prefix . number_format( $q_change, 2, ',', '.' );
$q_changep = $prefix . number_format( $q_changep, 2, ',', '.' );
Save file and upload to server. You should get what you ask for. Example screenshot https://goo.gl/r6kMqz
Kind regards,