• Resolved shahil14



    I have a variable subscription product with 3 Plan attributes (Starter|Professional|Enterprise) and 2 Billing Period attributes (Monthly|Annually).
    I am trying to get the Plan name and Billing Period for the active subscriptions for the logged in user.
    I went through this post (https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/function-if-user-is-active-subscriber/) and tried the code snippet (https://gist.github.com/mayankverma-mwb/fe1bccc41b02da8122f211a73aaa9315).
    But it gave me 0 count even though I have 1 active subscription.
    I also went through this post (https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/check-user-subscribe/) and tried the provided code snippets and it still gave me 0 count.
    In the later part of the post it is mentioned that if hpos is enabled, replace get_posts() with wc_get_orders() function.
    I did that and got count as 1.
    But the problem is I dont have the subscription details in the value.
    It is returning the following:


    Current code:

            $args = array(
                ‘numberposts’ => -1,
                ‘post_type’   => ‘wps_subscriptions’,
                ‘meta_query’ => array(
                    ‘relation’ => ‘AND’,
                        ‘key’   => ‘wps_subscription_status’,
                        ‘value’ => ‘active’,
                        ‘relation’ => ‘AND’,
                            ‘key’   => ‘wps_parent_order’,
                            ‘compare’ => ‘EXISTS’,
                            ‘key’   => ‘wps_customer_id’,
                            ‘value’ => get_current_user_id(),
                            ‘compare’ => ‘==’,
            $wps_subscriptions = wc_get_orders($args);
            $subscription_count = count($wps_subscriptions);
            $args_json = json_encode($args);
            foreach ( $wps_subscriptions as $key => $value ) {
                $s_id = $value->ID;
                $s_name = $value->name;
                // I want to get product name
    <div><?php echo json_encode($value) ?></div>

    <p>Number of subscriptions: <?php echo $subscription_count; ?></p>
    <p>Args: <?php echo $args_json; ?></p>

    Number of Subscriptions: 1

    In short, how do I get the active variable subscription product details for the current user?

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  • Plugin Author WP Swings



    Thank you for trying our plugin,


    You will find the billing type(day/week/month/year) and the billing period from meta data using these meta keys in the subscription,

    Thank you

    Thread Starter shahil14


    Could you please tell me how can I use in above code to get subscription details like subscription_id, subscription name, status, etc?

    Plugin Author WP Swings


    Hello @shahil14

    You have opened two threads for same query, so please reply on other thread only, we are closing this thread for now

    We will proceed on other thread,

    Thank you

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