Get Directions need better directions
“Get Directions” is not good at giving directions. I’ve not actually tried the app yet because I don’t know where to get this key that they refer to.
Direction 2. Get a free MapQuest API key from
The page at this link is general. You may have to get an account first, but even that is not clear. I made an account by clicking “Manage AppKeys”, but all I got was a confirmation email with no substance.
Is an API key the same as an AppKey. I dunno.
There are 21 links on the body of the page, and it’s a guess where to go from here. I picked “MapQuest Open Directions API Web Service”. It sounded better than the others. But there is nothing on the destination page about getting a key. A few other clicks were equally useless.
Too many developers are in their own world and seem to have trouble relating to first-time visitors into their world.
I gave up for now. If these developer rewrite their instructions to be useful I may try again, but for now I can only rate them minimum.
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