• “Get Directions” is not good at giving directions. I’ve not actually tried the app yet because I don’t know where to get this key that they refer to.

    Direction 2. Get a free MapQuest API key from https://developer.mapquest.com/web/products/open

    The page at this link is general. You may have to get an account first, but even that is not clear. I made an account by clicking “Manage AppKeys”, but all I got was a confirmation email with no substance.

    Is an API key the same as an AppKey. I dunno.

    There are 21 links on the body of the page, and it’s a guess where to go from here. I picked “MapQuest Open Directions API Web Service”. It sounded better than the others. But there is nothing on the destination page about getting a key. A few other clicks were equally useless.

    Too many developers are in their own world and seem to have trouble relating to first-time visitors into their world.

    I gave up for now. If these developer rewrite their instructions to be useful I may try again, but for now I can only rate them minimum.

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  • Thank you for pointing out the difficulty you are having with the instructions.

    I will look to further documenting getting the key from Map Quest.

    It is indeed AppKey, when you log into the MapQuest site and click on teh menu item APi’s select Open APIs and there is a large green button with ‘Manage AppKeys’

    There then is a geen button ‘Create AppKey’.
    You can put anything you like in the next form and hit create.

    It is a bit of a faff – but thats the way Map Quest has done it.

    p.s. it would have been nice if you had posted on the support forum first if you had questions rather than jumping in with a massively negative review

    I have now created a MapQuest API AppKey video tutorial to cover the subject you were having difficulty with.

    Just want to add. The software has been updated so you no longer need to get your own MapQuest API key

    Anonymous User


    Someone shouldn’t be using WordPress and not have a clue on how to walk through getting an API key.

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