• Resolved flipty


    Hi there, I am trying to get the episode number via powerpress_get_enclosure_data but I don’t think it is there.

    Are there any plans to bring the episode number in via the plugin in the near future? I see that it is in the XML feed, but not actually in the enclosure data.


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  • Plugin Support Shawn


    Hi flipty,

    I’ve asked the Blubrry dev team to look at your question. A reply will be posted here once they’ve had a chance to do so.

    Thread Starter flipty


    Thank you for the quick response, I look forward to (hopefully) a solution. You’d hate to see the extra work I’m doing to “number” the episodes via a set of relatively complicated queries.

    Plugin Author Angelo Mandato


    Hello @flipty,

    The function powerpress_get_enclosure_data returns an associative array, which if you are not familiar, means that the keys of the array are strings. Specifically you want to use the key with a string value of ‘episode_no’. Below is a rough example (I did not test) but it should work. Make sure you include the if( !empty() ) … check, as this will prevent any notice messages from appearing on the site if the particular episode does not have the episode number set.

    $episodeData = powerpress_get_enclosure_data($post_ID);
    if( !empty($episodeData['episode_no']) ) {
      // Do something with $episodeData['episode_no']

    I hope this helps,

    Thread Starter flipty


    Hello Angelo, I do not see episode_no in a var dump of the powerpress_get_enclosure_data()

    I checked, each episode has a number set within Podbean, but the episode number doesn’t seem to get sent along with the other metadata.

    Plugin Author Angelo Mandato


    Hello @flipty,

    Not sure how PodBean plays into this. Are you using PowerPress or are you hosting your podcast with PodBean? PodBean does not use our plugin that I am aware of.

    When you edit your posts in WordPress, in the Podcast Episode box, click “See More Settings” then find the “Episode #” setting. When you enter a number into the Episode Number field, you should then see it in the PowerPress powerpress_get_enclosure_data() with key name ‘episode_no’. Can you re-edit the post in question and see that you have a value in this box?


    Thread Starter flipty


    Hello Angelo, I think I am starting to see where the issue is.

    The podcast is initially uploaded to Podbean and hosted there. Then I use PowerPress to import the episode(s) to my custom WP site. Within Podbean’s site, there is an episode number for each episode, but it is looking like it does not get brought over in the import process, meaning that the PowerPress’ episode numbering is blank on the WP side.

    I’m sure if I edit the Episode # within PowerPress, it will show up. Ideally I am hoping to skip that step and have the Episode # from PodBean be populated into the PowerPress episode_no field.

    Thank you for the information, you have a great plugin!

    Plugin Author Angelo Mandato


    Hello @flipty,

    I found the issue, our RSS import does not handle the episode or season number information during an import. Assuming they are using the itunes:no and itunes:season attributes. I added that to the development backlog. Not sure when we will get to it but it’s in the work list.

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention!


    Thread Starter flipty


    Thank you, I appreciate it!

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