I want to get
Download title [size, format, timestamp]
Here is my template
* Shows filetype, title, filesize and date.
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
} // Exit if accessed directly
/** @var DLM_Download $dlm_download */
<a class="download-link filetype-icon <?php echo 'filetype-' . $dlm_download->get_version()->get_filetype(); ?>"
title="<?php $dlm_download->the_title(); ?>" href="<?php $dlm_download->the_download_link(); ?>" rel="nofollow">
<?php $dlm_download->the_title(); ?></a> <text style="font-size : 70%;"><?php echo '[' ?><?php $dlm_download->get_version()->get_filesize_formatted(); ?><?php echo ',' ?> <?php $dlm_download->get_version()->get_filetype(); ?><?php echo ',' ?> <?php $dlm_download->get_version()->get_date(); ?><?php echo ']' ?> </text><br>
As result I got empty fields (except title).
Please, help me to fix code.