• Hello,

    I have configured a navigation menu (wp_nav_menu) the depth is 2 levels, is there a way to get the 2nd level item for a given parent item?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Thread Starter sahanz


    Hi There,

    I want to grab the item from the defined wp nav menu, dont want to grab all the child pages, however I created a custom query.

    p.ID as nav_id, m.meta_value as post, p.post_title as
    title FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts p INNER JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta m ON
    m.post_id=p.ID where p.post_type=’nav_menu_item’ AND m.meta_key=’_menu_item_object_id’ AND

    I see far to many people referring to wp_list_pages() as a solution for this, well it’s not a solution if you want to base your navigation logic on wp_nav_menu. For instance what happens if you put a category as a sub in a page, it will indeed break. I find it strange that this feature hasn’t been/won’t get implemented.


    I am facing the same problem and I agree that not implementing this feature is strange.
    Splitting a navigation into parts depending on the level is a standard task webdevs are facing.

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