Hi Yasp0,
As it’s been a little while since I’ve looked at this part of the code I’ve just had a quick look through the API to see what User data (https://dev.twitter.com/docs/platform-objects/users) it responds with when ThinkTwit makes a GET search/tweets request (https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/get/search/tweets) and it looks like I’m using the only option available – I’ve then done a check to see if ThinkTwit processes this image in anyway.
Unfortunately, the answer is that ThinkTwit is not manipulating the image at all – it simply takes what it gets from Twitter, caches it and then displays it – so the size of the avatar that you are seeing is the maximum size available.
If you know of any way around this I’d be happy to look at any suggestions you have.