• Resolved hambos22


    I have that site : https://ougk.gr and i want on the navigation to have a link which points to the latest post of a specific category (full post with comments etc). How can i achieve that? thank you

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  • You could use get_posts to grab the post’s permalink and then add that link to whatever is generating your current nav menu.

    Thread Starter hambos22


    here is my navigation section on my header.php

    				<?php if (function_exists('wp_nav_menu')) {
    					wp_nav_menu(array('theme_location' => 'main-nav' , 'fallback_cb' => 'default_main_nav' , 'container'  => '' , 'menu_id' => 'main-nav' , 'menu_class' => 'main-nav'));
    				} else {
    				} ?>
    				<!--/main-nav -->

    How can i add it? i dont know php

    Thread Starter hambos22


    i want it with a text link for example “LATEST POST” and i want it to add it on the navigation menu

    query_posts('cat=YOUR CATEGORY NUMBER&posts_per_page=1');
    while(have_posts()) :
        <a href="<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>">LATEST POST</a>
    Thread Starter hambos22


    thank you all! i added it and look what happened https://ougk.gr

    here is the code

    [Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]

    maybe i need to make a php file and point a url to it?

    @james Edmonston: No – not query_posts! That will over-write the main (primary) Loop! This is a secondary Loop – which is why I specifically suggested get_posts.

    @hambos22: You will need to start looking at the main_nav() function (probably in functions.php). This also assumes that you are not using a custom menu.

    Thread Starter hambos22


    ooh.. i’m using custom menu… its the only way to have the menu as i want to be

    Since when does query_posts() overwrite the main loop (genuine question)?

    Could you not do:

    <ul class="your-class-name">
        query_posts('cat=YOUR CATEGORY NUMBER&posts_per_page=1');
        while(have_posts()) :
                <a href="<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>">LATEST POST</a>

    Thread Starter hambos22


    here is the code that i used.. it doesnt work good.. it shows me 9 links with the title “LATEST POST”… just see at https://ougk.gr

    here is the code on paste bin (the previous one deleted from the forum system)


    Since when does query_posts() overwrite the main loop

    Since always (or at least as far back as I can recall).

    query_posts() is meant for altering the main loop. Once you use query_posts(), your post-related global variables and template tags will be altered. Conditional tags that are called after you call query_posts() will also be altered – this may or may not be the intended result


    You could use WP_Query but that seems overkill for just one link. get_posts is ideally suited for this kind of thing.

    Sorry, ignore my last post and use this:

    <ul class="your-class-name">
        query_posts('cat=YOUR CATEGORY NUMBER&posts_per_page=1');
        while(have_posts()) :
                <a href="<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>">LATEST POST</a>
    Thread Starter hambos22


    that method worked just for the link to show up one time. I cant get it to fit nice on the nav menu grrrrr

    But it worked! ?? Can i add it on a php file and make a link on the menu manager to point to that php file?

    Thread Starter hambos22


    its on the top of the other links.. just take a look

    Are you still using your initial loop that you posted in your second post? If so, you should be replacing it with my latest post.

    Thread Starter hambos22


    this is the whole nav section on header.php


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