Hi demilio,
Sure you can! movie metadata are regular WP Post Meta:
$meta = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), "_wpmoly_movie_{$meta_slug}" );
Default supported $meta_slug
values are: tmdb_id
, title
, original_title
, tagline
, overview
, release_date
, local_release_date
, runtime
, production_companies
, production_countries
, spoken_languages
, genres
, director
, producer
, cast
, photography
, composer
, author
, writer
, certification
, budget
, revenue
, imdb_id
, adult
, homepage
, rating
, status
, media
, language
, subtitle
and format
There’s also an internal way to get these data:
$meta = wpmoly_get_movie_meta( get_the_ID(), $meta_slug, true );
Note that this just return the raw, unformatted data; some data can be formatted with a wpmoly_format_movie_{$meta_slug}
filter hook, for instance:
$director = apply_filters( 'wpmoly_format_movie_director', $director );