• Please help, I do not understand the instructions for changing my blog url to read myblog.com instead of myblog.com/wordpress.

    I did try following some instructions to change the data base but only succeed in messing up everything.

    I installed wp on my cpanel in the public html.

    As I haven’t a clue about coding, certainly NO IDEA how to set up a root directory, PLEASE make the help instructions very clear and in noob speak not geek speak.

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  • https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Giving_WordPress_Its_Own_Directory

    If you cannot follow these instructions, then you may have to consider employing someone to carry out the work for you.

    Thread Starter Mary K


    Thank you, not everyone is a geek! I asked for help and not too happy with the reply! I am not stupid but a little help on how to set up a folder in the root directory would have been appreciated!

    Why? You don’t have to set up a folder in the root directory. It’s already there since your blog URL is at myblog.com/wordpress
    The folder in the root directory is thus named ‘wordpress’, and the directory your wordpress folder is in is the root directory, probably named public_html.

    Anyway, you can do that through the cpanel interface. Or use an FTP client.

    Perhaps if you let us know which step you’re having problems with, we can provide more specific directions. Every host has a different set up and different people access their host in different ways. Without knowing your preferred method or what your host provides, it’s impossible to give detailed instructions.

    Thread Starter Mary K


    O.K. what I have done so far is create a Mysql database etc. uploaded wp (via filezilla ftp) created a theme and set up how I basically want the site to look.

    Tried to get it to read https://www.mindsetpowersite.com NOT https://www.mindsetpowersite.com/wordpress.

    Found instructions by googling (first site up) which says to go to my wp Mysql date base find wp_options – edit and change to https://www.mindsetpowersite.com from https://www.mindsetpowersite.com/wordpree.

    The to find home field (detailed instructions where given as to how to find each step I am giving the bottom line details here as there were around 16 steps) and do the same – edit the url and hit go.

    I did this (also backed up my data base before attempting anything) only to find that all that showed was Index etc. So had to undo all that work.

    Then, found another lot of help by googling (I think it was codex help) and that said to just change in the general area of wp admin the home/site urls etc. – did that same result just get the index.

    So, looked at the url sent above (before asking for help) and to be honest, it doesn’t make one bit of sense to me- I did, as you say, think I already had a root directory in my cpanel – public html I am using crazy domains hosting, not sure that helps and yes their cpanel is a bit different from another host company but am managing to find my way around – what I do NOT understand is the codex help and not sure even it it is specific to what I want to do. I am of course, on www.ads-software.com – so shouldn’t have the wordpress showing after my domain name. My domain name was also purchased through crazy domains.

    I am stuck big time as needless to say, advertising a blog with /wordpress after the domain name isn’t very good.

    I want to learn to do this myself, not pay someone else to do it!

    The URL esmi gave you has the detailed step by step instructions to do what you want to do. We’ve told you that it’s specific to what you want to do.

    So have you tried following the steps? Which step doesn’t make sense to you? You can skip steps 1 and 6 because you already have those set up.

    Did you FTP the wordpress folder to your website or its contents to your main website directory? If you have not done this already: Take the contents of the wordpress folder (not the “wordpress” folder itself) and upload it to the location your host tells you to place your files. This should solve your problem.

    Thread Starter Mary K


    Thank you fonghlh – maybe it should be made clearer that, if you have already set up wp in your public html and set up a data base steps 1-6 can be skipped. For a new person, not genetically hard wired at birth to coding, this is VERY confusing. That mystery is now cleared.

    Thank you drewbotts. Yes, I uploaded the wp folder via ftp – took a while which surprised me as I have a very fast internet connexion. I think everything is in the right place – the public html directory! Which is were my host (crazy domains) said to upload all files/folders etc.

    Plus, I also set up the database and have also made a back up for that – just in case – as I have already been hacked and am now attempting a new installation.

    Step 7. – copy not move (got that part:) ) – into root directory???? As I understand it the root directory and public html are one in the same – this is where it’s confusing – as I do not know now where to copy the wretched file.

    Also step 9 – change (‘./wp-blog-header.php’); do I change that to
    (‘./wordpress/wp-blog-header.php’) or do I put in my own domain name – i.e. (‘.mindsetpowersite.com/wp-blog-header.php’) ??

    I haven’t yet tackled permalinks, though according to experts I should but don’t think I will as it’s all too confusing!

    I do know what my index.php file looks like and will set filezille to show hidden files.

    Will attempt this today, sorry for the delay but the time difference is probably considerable between where I am now and you are living:-).

    No, you skip steps 1 AND 6, not 1 to 6.

    If you put something in your public_html directory, you can access it through mindsetpowersite.com
    If you put it in a subfolder, then it’s mindsetpowersite.com/subfolder

    The reason why the instructions say root directory instead of public_html is because other hosting companies might call it something different, like wwwroot.

    So step 7, copy it into public_html.
    Step 9: change to (‘./wordpress/wp-blog-header.php’)

    The above instructions only hold if you still have a wordpress directory in your public_html folder, and this is where you have currently installed wordpress.

    Thread Starter Mary K


    Thank you fonglh – you have explained everything VERY clearly, although LOL, it still took me a while to gingerly fix it all:-).

    I think, it’s all o.k. now – just did a google on https://www.mindsetpowersite.com and voila – there is was!

    Just one further small question. I originally set my username as Zeus (one of my dog’s names) and found, to my horror, all my posts were appear as Zeus (he’s smart but not quite that smart). I did add myself as a user and deleted all the pages ‘written’ by Zeus. When I did the google to check to make sure I had fixed everything correctly, I found that Zeus https://www.mindsetpowersite.com came up first and showed error not found message.

    Is there anyway I can alter this? Also, once all is ready, will it affect my ranking?

    Again thank you fonglh I have learned a lot from your help and as I said, think it’s all o.k. now:-)

    Maybe I will tackle pretty permalinks – stay tuned I shall probably need help:-).

    Thread Starter Mary K


    LOL – full to the brim with coffee myself. But, you’re right, the pleasure is in doing it yourself – guess like some people like to climb mountains (me I hate heights) this is MY mountain!

    I do want to learn it all – I did at school learn a looooong time ago html, them life took over and I stopped! Paying the price for that one now:-).

    hmm you didn’t have to delete all the pages. you could have just changed the author. If you don’t see the option for that, check the author box under screen options on the top right.

    Thread Starter Mary K


    Thank you again fonglh, you are adding to my knowledge bank and that is something I truly appreciate very much:-). I will do that in future, as it was a pain having to re-do all the pages. I had no idea I could change the author so easily, again thank you. I have bookmarked your site and will take ‘time out’ to read through your posts.

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