• Resolved pherojoe


    Recently had the displeasure of racking my brain for 3 full days trying to figure out why I couldn’t make my links in the comments section selectively nofollow/followed.

    The reason being that even my own internal links from comments on my own site were nofollow (I figured out how to remove it from the author profile atleast).

    But the actual comment content – nope, can’t do it without a plugin, because its built in to the CORE of wordpress. It would just get removed over and over again until someone fixes this issue altogether.

    If you’re an SEO, you know that internal links also take a percentage of Pagerank (what gives you pages the ability to rank on Google), but if you nofollow them internally, they also take a cut, but nothing is passed through them. So linking to your own pages with a nofollow attribute is diluting your ranking power.

    Occasionally, I would need to link to external links (like affiliate links), but I have no option to make them selectively nofollow, because once again… the geniuses on WP development didn’t take any of this into account before making these “improvements”. It is very annoying, and I think most people would agree that webmasters should have full control over their links and what follow/nofollow. Atleast make it an advanced option or perhaps a panel with default settings for people who don’t know what they’re doing.

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  • Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    You’re trying way too hard. SEO is not that complicated, and a few additional nofollow links in your comments are not going to make or break you.

    If you want links to other posts on your site, then you probably don’t need to put them in comments. Put them in the content itself.

    Thread Starter pherojoe


    Yes, well I get dozens of comments across several blogs on each post, and every internal nofollow link starts to take a percentage of the juice and waste it. It matters if you are competitive and ranking difficult keywords. It starts to add up when you reply to people.

    Most serious webmasters understand what its for, there is just no reason to force it especially when there are plenty of anti-spam solutions out there.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    This sort of optimization on that detailed a level is very much an edge case. Fortunately, we support edge cases, thru plugins. I would recommend finding a plugin that fits your specific needs.

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