• <?php if ( get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), 'category1', true) ||  get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), 'category2', true )) { ?>
                            <?php echo get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), 'category1', "", "", "" ) ?>
                            <?php echo get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), 'category2', "", "", "" ) ?>
                <?php } ?>

    This code basicly checks both categories if they got something to show and if they do (any of them) , it loads which ever has the info.
    Now i want to create another condition which does this
    <?php if ( $postcount = 1 ) { ?> and <?php if ( $postcount > 1 ) { ?>

    But i couldnt seem to manage it. It doesnt have to have postcount code in it. I just want to filter the output based on the quantity of it.

    I would apriciate any help.


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  • Thread Starter Aaron


    Alright. after carefull examination this is the resulting code .

    <p>ID:819  CAT1:<a href=&quot;https://www.xxx.com/actors/michael/&quot; rel=&quot;tag&quot;>Michael >/a&gt 
    CAT2:</p>Yazar<a href="https://www.xxx.com/actos/michael/" rel="tag">Michael</a>

    There were several other listed actors but i deleted them to clear the code.

    Thread Starter Aaron


    Ok here is the deal, the forum doesnt allow the broken code to appear. But the first CAT1 is actually like this.

    & l t ; a href= & q u o t ; https://www.xxx.com/actors/michael/& q u o t ; rel=& q u o t ;tag& q u o t ;& g t ;Michael & g t ;/a & g t these are the base codes for the > and < etc. But for some reason, for the first CAT 1 it loaded them as those codes while in CAT 2 they were loaded properly

    Sorry, but I can’t tell what you are getting because the post is not displaying the results properly.

    From what I can tell, it does appear that the debug code is getting cat1 correct. Is this true?

    Thread Starter Aaron



    First try putting the code in a pastebin and posting a link here.

    Thread Starter Aaron


    Ok so this is the copy paste from the source


    I need the code from the php file that contains the code we are trying to debug, not the output from the screen.

    Thread Starter Aaron


    Ups sorry.

    here im sharing the real names of the custom posts.


    Sorry for the confusion, but you said you are sharing the real names of the custom posts. Did you mean the names of the taxonomies?


    Thread Starter Aaron


    Yea yea they are taxonomies. Infact here is the function.php code of them


    My bad.

    Sorry, but I must continue later.

    Thread Starter Aaron


    Alright. Thanks again.

    I want to eliminate all the code not necessary for the debugging. Please post the output from this:

    <?php if ( $cat1 = get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), 'uyeler', ',', '', '') ||
          $cat2 = get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), 'kisiler', '', '', '' )) {
       $id = get_the_ID();
       $cat1 = get_the_term_list($id, 'uyeler');
       $cat2 = get_the_term_list($id, 'kisiler');
       print_r("<p>ID:$id  CAT1:" . htmlentities($cat1) . ' CAT2:' . htmlentities($cat2) . '</p>');
       if ( false && $cat1 && $cat2 ) {
          // Plural code
    	  echo 'Yazarlar';
          echo $cat1;
          echo $cat2;
       } else {
          // Singular code
    	  echo 'Yazar';
          echo $cat1;
          echo $cat2;
    } ?>
    Thread Starter Aaron



    The results are same.

    Its loading twice first with broken html then with proper one. (so its bypasing the plural or singular condition)

    OK – the calls to get_the_term_list() are working. Please try this modified version:

    <?php $id = get_the_ID();
       $cat1 = get_the_term_list($id, 'uyeler', '', ', ', '');
       $cat2 = get_the_term_list($id, 'kisiler', '', ', ', '');
       // print_r("<p>ID:$id  CAT1:" . htmlentities($cat1) . ' CAT2:' . htmlentities($cat2) . '</p>');
    if ( $cat1 && $cat2 ) {
       // Plural code
       echo 'Yazarlar ';
       echo $cat1;
       echo $cat2;
    } elseif ( $cat1 || $cat2 ) {
       // Singular code
       echo 'Yazar ';
       echo $cat1;
       echo $cat2;
    } ?>
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