• Hello, I hope you can help me, I thank you in advance.

    I have a variable with many values, they are emails obtained from a subscription form that I created and what I need is to get those emails to send them with wp_mail but I don’t know how to do it.

    at the moment I have this:
    $ emails_all_subscription = get_user_meta ($ vendor_id, ‘subscribers3’, true);

    echo “

    var_export ($ emails_all_subscription);
    echo "


    and the result is like this:

    array (
    0 =>
    array (
    0 =>
    array (
    0 =>
    array (
    0 =>
    array (
    0 => ‘[email protected]’,
    1 => ‘[email protected]’,
    1 => ‘[email protected]’,
    1 => ’22 @ gmail.com ‘,
    1 => ’44 @ gmail.com ‘,

    I only need to see the 5 emails or pass the 5 (and those that are added through the form) to wp_mail.

    Surely it is very simple but I do not realize among so many options that there seem to be to display an array.

    Thank you

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Moved to Fixing WordPress, this is not an Developing with WordPress topic
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  • It’s not too hard. Just loop through them and save the values.

    As a completely untested example:

    $email_list = array ();
    foreach ($emails_all_subscription as $row) {
        foreach ($row as $email) {
            if (empty ($email) === false) {
                $email_list [] = $email;
    wp_mail ($email_list, 'Subject', 'Email content');

    This assumes that the data structure that you’ve givne above won’t change, and the value comes our as an array of arrays.

    Thread Starter ashop59


    hello, thank you very much for your help. unfortunately it does not work for me, it does not send emails but it does not return the values to the echo $ email_list either. I’ll keep seeing what I can do, thank you

    Thread Starter ashop59


    this is how I save the values maybe this will help:

    if (isset ($ _ POST [‘sub_sus’])) {

    $ email_suscriptores2 = $ _POST [’email_sus’];

    $ subscriber_list2 = get_user_meta ($ vendor_id, ‘subscribers3’, false);

    if (! array ($ subscriber_list2)) {
    $ subscriber_list2 = array ();

    $ subscriber_list2 [] = $ email_subscribers2;

    update_user_meta ($ vendor_id, ‘subscribers3’, $ subscriber_list2);

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    @ashop59 I have archived your FIVE duplicate topics. Stop doing that OK?

    Thread Starter ashop59


    Yes, I agree, but it is that he adds information in each one even if he talks about the same thing. well, thank you but you didn’t give me any help

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