Get Woocommerce Product Image Alt
For whatever reason, my theme decided product images don’t need alt tags. For seo, they do need to be there. Can anyone help me with how to get the featured image alt line in a product loop?
Which theme are you using? And what does the theme’s support say about it?
IME we need to specify alt text in the image’s media library settings in order for the img tag’s alt attribute to have a value. (when editing or selecting the image) For a WC shop page I believe it’s generated the same way by WC regardless of which theme you use. If an image has no alt text specified in its settings, the img tag’s alt attribute still exists but it has no value assigned to it.
bcworkz I already doubled checked that ALL published product images have alt tags in the media library.
threadi, I haven’t talked to them about this. I upgraded to their pro version awhile ago and despite the payment I decided to revert back to the free version and just let them just keep the payment. Pro version was worse than the free believe it or not. And they don’t seem to have much knowledge as to the actual code. I think they probably used a generator of some type. Design is great. But a lot of bad markup and missing code. So they keep the payment and I make things work my own way for me from here on out.
I’ve just always preferred custom code so learning the WordPress slang, since it’s not a technical language like php, is where I’m at.
Anyways, I located the file and the line number to add it. I’ve tested it with a static value, but I don’t know how to call the string value of the image alt tag that has been completed.
You can get the alt text with something like:
get_post_meta( $attachment_id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true )
There may be a dedicated WP function for this that I’m unaware of, but this will do the job. Though I’m not sure how you’d get the value for $attachment_id in the context you’re referring to.Anyways, I located the file and the line number to add it. I’ve tested it with a static value, but I don’t know how to call the string value of the image alt tag that has been completed.
Also check exactly which file it is. If it is one from the core, you should not adapt it under any circumstances. If it is a template from the theme, you can overload it using a child theme. If it’s something else, you’ll have to find another way – but don’t customize the original code. If you do that, the change will be gone the next time you update the component in question.
If you are unsure whether this applies to you and which way you should go, you are welcome to name the relevant location. Then we could tell you how to implement the above-mentioned tip there.
Yeah it’s in the theme, and yes I know about updates. It’s what keeps me from changing things alot >.<
The theme used
so I tried that, but that was a no go.I decided to just use the product name with
but now I’m finding out about apostrophes. Some items are Men’s or Women’s. So the alt readsMen & # 8 2 1 7 ; s
. And none of the standard php_decode functions are working. The exact same line though works great in the viewable area. But in view source code the alt tag prints up like that.-
This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by
This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by
Then I would recommend using child themes. See:
The theme developer may also have a ready-made plugin for this. Since you still haven’t named the theme, I can’t tell you whether this is the case.
If you have problems with your customization, you are welcome to show the code you used. That way we can tell you what could be improved. My guess is that you have not masked the output of the text for the alt attribute. This is done for attributes with esc_attr().
<img?src="<?php?echo?esc_attr($url);??>"?alt="<?php?echo esc_attr(the_title());??>">
</a>Didn’t work. I’ve even been checking the cache is flushed. Just doesn’t make sense.
This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by
Instead of the_title(), use This will return the title as a return value.
However, I am also unsure exactly what “Don’t work” means. If the output does not change at all, check with a test output whether you are in the right place (simply write “aaaa” before the link). If you don’t see the test output either, you are not in the right place. If “Don’t work” means that the alt attribute has no content, then my tip above should help.
Nope still the same.
What I mean by does not work (listed in my third comment, or the second one above this message)
</a>Prints up exactly as it’s suppose to when using an item with an apostrophe in the name. I.e. Men’s T Shirt prints up with an apostrophe.
</a>prints up as Men & # 8 2 1 7 ; s T Shirt. (Spaces needed to display the code instead of the entity.)
And that’s using get_the_title or the_title. Same thing with or without esc_attr or other standard php decode functions. Typecasting also doesn’t work. I’ve verified the cache is clear by adding a static value after the php code which prints and removes fine. But the php value (apostrophe/html code) does not change regardless of the static value.
Have you tried It is recommended in in the 1st comment for use in attributes. I’ve never used it myself, so this would be my first attempt.
Consider the possibility that your code is correct and some other plugin is filtering product titles where the title is run through htmlentities() or similar. If the
part of the entity code is then escaped again, we get the behavior you describe where the entity code is printed out instead displaying the intended entity itself.Finding the offending filter callback could be challenging, you might choose to decode the entity codes yourself before properly escaping as an attribute value.
This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by
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