get_the_terms_list doesn't work anymore
I noticed a while ago that the awesome code line get_the_terms_list doesn’t seem to work anymore for taxonomies. As long as I only have one taxonomy, then it works fine, but when I add more such as:echo get_the_term_list( $post->ID, 'language', '<li>Language: ', ', ','</li>' ); echo get_the_term_list( $post->ID, 'subject', '<li>Subject: ', ', ','</li>' );
Then the front page (or the used page template) crashes and cuts my page in half, leaving out the sidebar and everything.
This has left me to give up on custom post types and taxonomies all together.
I have an awesome tutorial on taxonomies and cpt’s and this has worked before, but suddenly it does not.
I’ve begun to think of certain plugins that I can use instead, but it seems like a dead end. There are two plugins that could fix this, but the first one (by yoast) only works with regular posts, and the second one (also called simple taxonomies like the one by yoast) doesn’t work at all.
Can somebody please help me with this?
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