• Resolved another-webmaster


    Actually the plugin works here (local development) but got a Warning after resetting all tables. (which it does without probs it seems?!)

    Anyway the warning as it:

    WARNING: wp-includes/class-wp-http-encoding.php:58 - gzinflate(): data error
    require_once('wp-admin/admin.php'), do_action('admin_init'), call_user_func_array, DB_Reset_Admin->reset, DB_Resetter->reset, DB_Resetter->reinstall, DB_Resetter->install_wp, db_reset_install, wp_install_maybe_enable_pretty_permalinks, wp_remote_get, WP_Http->get, WP_Http->request, WP_Http->_dispatch_request, WP_Http_Curl->request, WP_Http_Encoding::decompress, gzinflate

    Could it be a server warning because of misconfig here locally or is it really a (minor imho) plugin issue?


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