woocommerce still has more functionality & features.
mp still has a way to go to catchup in that regard, but for stores that don’t require the advanced features that woocommerce offers it’s a great simple plugin for simple stores. new features are being added in every release, some are taking longer to develop than others, but the developers want to do it right, without rushing which is when mistakes are made.
But even woocommerce has it’s limits. if your intention is to build a purely e-commerce site and not use wp for anything but a shopping system, then imo why not just get a dedicated e-commerce script like magento, cubecart or zencart? afterall, they are dedicated systems and are far better than woocommerce or any other wp e-commerce plugin.
it’s all a question of, what do you actually want?
this is just my own personal opinion, i am not speaking on behalf of wpmudev