• I keep getting a blank white page, after I make any kind of changes in WordPress, it doesn’t seem to matter whether I’m editing a post,page or a theme, after I click save it goes to the blank screen instead of back to WP like it did before. Does anyone know what would be causing this?

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  • Don’t know if your blank page situtation matches this, but…

    If blank pages are resulting just by modifying a theme, then restoring the original theme’s files seems like the first thing to try. I got my first blank page error yesterday, from making a typo when editing sidebar.php.

    Simply undoing the typo did not make the problem go away, nor did unselecting and reselecting the theme. But when I copied the set of original theme files back to my wordpress folder, the theme started working again. The files which I restored (all of which had been modified at some point) were sidebar.php, style.css and header.php.

    And yes, my theme mods all needed to be recoded. From now on, I will save my edits in sequential versions, and try to do sequential restoration of files as well.

    The problem as I see it is this code in wp-post-comments.php:

    $location = (empty($_POST[‘redirect_to’])) ? $_SERVER[“HTTP_REFERER”] : $_POST[‘redirect_to’];

    Which means that if your browser does not send referrer headers, then posting a comment will leave you with a blank page.

    I have tested and confirmed this in version 1.5.12



    Was there a definitive fix for the problem??

    I am starting to see this error, but only intermittently – when I post a new entry or edit an old one. I am using WordPress 2.0, working fine up until about 2 days ago.




    Try logging out and emptying your wp-content/cache directory. That worked for me when this popped up for me recently (after the 2.0.2 upgrade).

    I have the same problem (with version 2.0.2 and 2.0.3) like Lionheart and sito for one week. (And logout didn’t solve the problem.)

    Does anyone have a solution? Thanks for help!

    I am seeing this as well. I change no files at all on my server – also, been editing stuff for a while (this specific post) and it was fine. Then it just went blank. I edited a post and hit save – it updated the post but went to a blank page. I had to click back. As I said – it had saved the changes I made. It also goes blank if I just click to edit the page, but change nothing – and hit save. It’s really bloody annoying.

    I also don’t have a wp-content/cache folder. Where is this in 2.03?

    OK, I did some checks and I found that just turning permalinks back to default let me edit the posts just fine. I then went back and set them to custome /%postname%/ or whatever the code is – and I can edit them OK again.

    Maybe that will help you out?

    Thanks for your suggestion. Regenerating the permalinks didn’t work for me.


    Please state the complete error-message

    -error on line 1-?

    I too have this blank page problem whenever I try to intall a new plugin — any new plugin.

    hmm, it seems it could be plugin related. I tried to use the populatiry contest plugin by Alex King, and that sets it off. Ditto for the click counter by Ozh. This could be a case of the plugin screwing up – of maybe it conflicts and causes something else to screw up. It’s pretty annoying as I have to disable the 2 plugins that would be really useful on my site ??

    What plugins do the rest of you use?

    I solved the problem: In my case a plugin caused the blank page, because some file permissions on the server changed without my notice and the plugin couldn’t work as expected.

    I have this problem when I edit any of my Theme in the Theme Editor… it says File successfully updated but the text box underneath then shows up as completely blank…

    No idea how to fix this problem, any ideas?

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