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  • hey cravecreative thank you sooo much dude. works like a charm ?? muah <3

    thanks @cravecreative it works for me

    Glad I could help you guys out. Cheers!

    Still on the lookout for a fix on my other image upload issues(title image and page background image uploads). Very frustrating to say the least.

    I didn’t seem to have a php file like “cravecreator” referred to. And while I still can’t seem to upload a new slider from the “add new slider” page, I was able to go to the media library to upload. Then I copied the url of whatever I uploaded, pasting that into the slider box (for the url). It worked!

    Jen[ Signature moderated. ]

    elegant theme users should update epanel uploader js file for fix the problem permanently.

    /themenname/epanel/js/custom_uploader.js :

    // line 14
    post_id = jQuery('#post_ID').val();
    // add this code after line 14
    		if (post_id == null) {
    			post_id = 1;

    Thank you!

    Please note

    IF you have used the first fix by CraveCreated (which meant you changed/edited the script on the wp admin media uploader file, then you need to restore it to it’s default version before using the erkasoft fix.

    Both work great, however erkasoft’s fix is a permanent fix.. but won’t work if you have used CraveCreated’s fix..

    Thanks guys, you both helped us tremendously.


    where is this file “/themenname/epanel/js/custom_uploader.js” can you give me the detail url ?? i dont have epanel inside my theme..

    i gotta a solution:)
    1. Login to your plesk/cpanel, whatever you use. Locate

    Open the media-upload.php with the code editor scroll down to line #125 and change the code

    if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST[‘post_id’] ) && ! current_user_can( ‘edit_post’ , $_REQUEST[‘post_id’] ) )


    if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST[‘post_id’] ) && current_user_can( ‘edit_post’ , $_REQUEST[‘post_id’] ) )

    Make sure you don’t touch line 126 with a code that looks like this wp_die( __( ‘Cheatin’ uh?’ ) );—– DON’T TOUCH THIS
    Save and get back to your wordpress admin panel, make sure you have cleared your cache and this should do it.

    JUST CHANGE THIS TO LINE NUMBER 126 : do_action(“media_upload_$type”);

    Open the media-upload.php

    No! Never, ever, edit WordPress core scripts. And do not encourage others to do so. Editing core scripts can bring down your entire site and/or open security holes for hackers to use.

    @cravecreative Thanx a milion times man that solved my problem.

    copy media-upload.php file of wordpress version 3.2.1 and replace it with media-upload.php file of updated wordpress version.

    your problem solved

    thanks cravecreative…it worked for me!

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