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  • Anonymous User



    I had the same problem with double language codes in URL and found out that it was a function that is called “qtrans_fixSearchForm” in qtranslate_hooks.php.

    My problem started when i added search functionality and multiple languages to my WordPress site.

    If you still got the problem it would probably work after you uncomment “qtrans_fixSearchForm”-function in qtranslate_hooks.php (qTranslate’s plugin folder). You would find the function somewhere around line ~200 in qtranslate_hooks.php.

    Hope this will help others that got the same problem.

    Hm.. unfortunately that didn’t help, im getting the double language for some style sheets and javascript after enabling the qts.

    I have the same problem when the user search in my site. if the user search in the default x language the URL become:

    And if he search in y language the URL become:

    And in both cases he take 404 Page Not Found.

    Hey guys, if you have search problems try this solution from this site:

    as for others that may have some 404 stylesheet errors try looking into your template header codes. In my case it was template error so i hardcoded the problematic ones.

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