• Hello, I was installing a theme with its demo content and widgets, and half-way through the widget installation i got a fatal error: out of memory.

    i deleted some unnecessary widgets and was able to install the widgets that came with the theme, i havent gotten the error again, but wordfence is telling me this.

    [Sep 14 20:34:04] Analyzed 2609 files containing 210.23 MB of data.

    [Sep 14 20:34:09] Scan Complete. Scanned 2609 files, 1 plugins, 2 themes, 3 pages, 1 comments and 4661 records in 20 seconds.

    I deleted EVERYTHING on the domain. I used WP reset, deleted all the widgets, themes, and plug-ins.

    scanned wordfence again, and it said i was using the same exact amount of space. it doesnt make sense.

    I contacted my host hostgator and they said i can only have up to 256mb per domain on my plan. Regardless of that, i want to know how i am using 200mb if i have nothing installed. More memory might allow me to add what i need, but it wont fix this problem.

    What should i do?

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  • disk space is unrelated to memory.

    if space is what you need – then upgrade and get more space. Why is wordfence showing that? could be caching or the files could have been deleted to “trash” which is also being scanned by Wordfence… Hard to tell without dissecting the server.

    Log into CPanel and use the “Disk Usage” tab to get a better view of what is being used and where.

    As for memory, follow this guide to increase memory available to WordPress


    Thread Starter JCBuenoo


    Thank you, but live i’ve told every support agent i have talked to about this,
    getting more space doesnt reslove the fact that 200mb of “nothing” is being allocated, it just avoids it.

    Im looking into the disk usage tab and link, thanks!

    Thread Starter JCBuenoo


    Hey, I cant increase memory limit, I am on a shared plan and it only allows 256MB. I spoke to the hostgator support team and they kept telling me to increase it, while they have an article on their site that states you cannot increase it over 256mb unless i have a VPN or dedicated plan, which cost about 10X more.

    I dont think memory is what i need to increase. ive been on wordpress and 256MB is more than enough for even a handful of sites.

    I went to disk usage tab, and “public_html/” is using about 90% of the storage, 1.2GB, but when i open it, there is only 10 or 15 files, none over 30KB, whats up with that?

    The disk usage is calculated on a timer – therefore it’s not always accurate.
    What time frame your host does calculations you will have to ask them but usually it should calculate every hour or 2 – therefore, if you delete a load of files, it might not show in disk usage for a few hours.

    Down below the main area is a folder view – you can expand each folder to go deeper into public_html to see the exact folder that has all the data.

    See further down: https://www.ananova.com/cpanel-support/disk-space-usage-tool-in-cpanel/

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